I have sinned against you and the heavens, I don't deserve your forgiveness
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The transmutation circles are rigid and can only be used for each specific case. This transmutation can be used on the ground because there is earth, but in the human body there are many minerals, how would he create a spur of earth, knowing that transmutation circles are not adapted to use minerals other than the one written on the circle?
Are they all using the same weapon? I thought only Elliot had a bolt-action rifle
She looks pretty tired, but you can guess she's had better days
two little rules in an apocalypse. 1 - Don't be a hero 2 - Cardio is your best friend
These are really good ideas, I'm going to leave Moxxi with these ideas while he tries to change Maxwell's mind. I like it when characters don't agree with everything the other says, but slowly convince them through good arguments.
close enough