I always took my job as writer seriously, because I know the expectations of a reader and I don't want to fail you. Even if all I can give you are some minutes of daily entertainment, I'll do my best.
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Ever heard of timing? You killed the grandfather of the girl you like before he did anything. Why rush it? he has done nothing against you for now.
man i thought you were going to write a story about a normal teenager, not a milionaire, famous actor, martial expert, ecc. It's easy to get the girl when you are rich, famous and strong.
in MHA heroes are more like police men. It's a job before being a calling. There are many guys, who tries to use their quirk for crime and the only way to respond to that was to create this job. If they only had to count on heroic people, who decided to put others before themselves the world would have been destroyed
she is a hero, she most likely received first aid training.
wednesday grew up rejectibg her parents teachings. So relationship based i think she could go a different route just to spite them and be different
has this turned into a roasting show? He could host an oscar
he is a gory person. He is mentally near to Wednesday.
even if he has all those points there is probably an upper limit to stats, but yeah he is impossible to kill with all those points.
shoul have recognized it by the charred forest