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A possible interesting story premise held back by mediocre writting, mediocre plot building and mediocre character building. The author doesnt bother trying to write better or longer chapters either. The writting style feels like one of those horrible Wuxia translations with horrible sentence structure and every character acting lime a moron. Later the author tells us Occlumency can stop the mutant Rogue power from affecting him. Utter stupidity. When will people learn that the only thing Occlumency does is stop Legilimency and thats it.
This was a horrible chapter.
Would McGonagall really be one of the few who do so or perhaps better to say one of the few who actually reports it to the government?
Waste of time. This is basicly a bashing story with no redeeming qualities. So I will just leave this review and move on to better things. Just hope this author gets better at fleshing out characters.
Rough for a first chapter. Super edgy arrogant MC, can unserstand a new language instantly and can see perfectly as a baby. The start is rough and generic power fantasy. Lets see future chapters.
While interesting the story suffers from writing mistakes, like the continued use of "covers" instead of capes, and other grammar errors. Alex doesnt seem very original at all in the names he gives his games, but considering using Minecraft and now Fortnite will be easier for readers to understand the game type without wasting several chapters just describing it, this unoriginality can be forgiven. As for the game developing part, he should expand much more in what he could do for Minecraft and the upcoming Fortnite. Continuing to do special events in already released games would keep his fandom pleased. Maybe add easter eggs or cameos in the new games like super hero skins or as for the RPG, created a "story" that would actually be the first Avengers movie but with lookalike characters instead of the real Heroes. The story can keep improving.