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Why introduce a fmc...just killed that Feng Mei at the's just another horny mc with brainded character
a shit....he didn't even killed the girl...a holy mother mc to be precise....if you are bored asf just go and read a princess novel...I bet that is even 100 times better than this shitt...a hypocrite mc with morals is more dangerous than straight out good guy
Saasy novel with no good foundation...dude it's a DC world not your Marvel and mc is energy itself...can't you see you have already given him the status of God....then wtf is the bromance in the initial chapters between mc, superman and that bat....honestly saying just make him kill everyone who stands in his way
Writing is too childish and too much cliche...he should have enslaved that girl at the beginning by torture or other means but no....he is making deals with a worthless go read something else ....this one is full of poison and a complete shitshow.
Completely braindead mc....young master shit....don't waste your time here
seriously dude if you are so uncomfortable to provide ur content for free...especially the fanfic..why are you even posting it here....u can just post it in other paywall webs...or wattpat, achieve ur own, fanfiction.con etc Do you think others were stupid enough to post their fanfics here for free or what? Don't try this web for promote thse kind of's sucks no offense...
Bruh will you update this one.....??? please dude it is one of the best TBBT fanfic where we have Sheldon×penny......I like the story and I really appreciate if you can consider to update it again......
why the fuck he even reveled his secret to others.......I mean come on they are humans and the most dangerous thing in the world is human heart....and why he is even going to the same college as his past bullies can't he keep his identity hidden and fucking destroy all of his enemies from dark.....this story is good but after some chapters Alex started to act like an 5 yr old this was an good story that let me checking for its updates frequently
its beck....its little mistake I will correct it in further chapters