


I wish to be buried after death in a mountain of books

2020-08-31 Se unióUnited Nations

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  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    for some reason i had this novel for a long time on my ff yuri reading list, so long in fact that i don't even remember as to why it was there. After checking the tags, comments, the author page, and reading the novel until this chapter i can't seem to find a good enough motive as to why i put it there ,_Tought i quite like the novel, i have to ask what is the pairing that Author-sama has chosen for the Mc?

    Ch 49 Visiting Hogsmeade in advance
    Harry Potter and the Sorceress of the Stars
    Derivados de obras · Azure_Abyss
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    thanks for the chapter🥰🥰

    Ch 162 Chapter 162: Upgrade
    DC: Phantom Thief Kid
    Cómic · Sothisq
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    Thanks for the chapter!!🥰🥰

    Ch 155 Chapter 155: New Signal
    DC: Phantom Thief Kid
    Cómic · Sothisq
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰🥰🥰Just out of curiosity, is this a translation or an original novel?

    Ch 154 Chapter 154: Failed Again
    DC: Phantom Thief Kid
    Cómic · Sothisq
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    Thanks for the chapter!!!<3I tried searching for this novel by translating its title into chinese(DC:怪盗小子) to read it ahead by google translating while waiting for you to upload, but the only one novel that appears in my results is the "Kaitou kid in the American comics" that I've read before and can say for sure that it isn't the original source for "Dc: Phantom Thief kid", there is an site with 6 chapters of the novel, with the title(translating from Chinese to english) "Batman x Kidd"(蝙蝠侠大战怪盗基德) but using this title to search again on Google for the rest of the chapters doesn't seem to lead to anything...?.If you can send me the link to the raws, or just the correct Chinese title so that i can quench my thirst while awaiting for you to upload, i would appreciate it very much<3<3<3<3

    Ch 153 Chapter 153: New Cloth
    DC: Phantom Thief Kid
    Cómic · Sothisq
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    why does this seem to be an almost exact carbon copy of another DC fic? even the cockroaches part is there...the only difference that i can see until now are their power..

    Ch 3 CH 2: Unveiling the Possibilities and Quest for Infinite Knowledge
    DC: I am Doctor Doom
    Cómic · GodOfGreedAs
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    im kinda going to the discord to see if the author got tired again after the henrietta episode ;-;

    Ch 692 A Plea for Leniency
    Tyranny of Steel
    Historia · Zentmeister
  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a Yuu_ji

    that makes no sense, but okay?

    Ch 4 Outsider
    Lord of the Mysteries: Godhood
    Derivados de obras · Yuu_ji
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    that is horrible

    He somehow acquired the heart of some of the most beautiful girls in the village in a short time and even experienced his right of passage of man–numerous times.
    Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard
    Derivados de obras · LazySageDao
  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a Eren_fraser

    oh, i understand, i also tought like that, like disorder would be the between of order and chaos

    Ch 56 Chaos and Order
    The Sun - Lord of Mysteries
    Derivados de obras · Eren_fraser
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    the battle between order and chaos was good, but you made one mistake, the black emperor pathway doesn't symbolize chaos, it symbolizes disorder, the shadow of order, the pathway that symbolizes chaos is the outer god Son of chaos that, you could say that there is order, shadow of order, chaos and something more

    Ch 56 Chaos and Order
    The Sun - Lord of Mysteries
    Derivados de obras · Eren_fraser
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    mind control? human control? blood control?

    Ch 74 Zombie Empress (5)
    Seduce The Villainess (GL)
    LGBT+ · HopelesslyRomantic
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    if amon can steal space, than he can steal infinity

    Ch 23 Mission ends 2
    Jujutsu Kaisen: Error
    Cómic · LightningCrocodile
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    good novel

    Ch 22 Ch. 22 The Night Before
    Teen Mage in Teen Wolf
    TV · Quade_The_Unknown
  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a Quade_The_Unknown

    i understand, if you can, try to make him more of a scholar type, the internet is already satured of novel where the protagonist experiment with magic, but it dont real go to discovering its mysteries and the protagonist still got stronger, like you can show him doing experiences, the formulating hypothesis, and them theorems, like the four element world theory, where the world is formed by elements( an advice that i particuliary think that any magic system is where the magic is formed off the power of mysteries, like throne of magical arcana, fate and etc)

    Ch 21 Ch. 21 Everything is Normal…
    Teen Mage in Teen Wolf
    TV · Quade_The_Unknown
  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a SorcererOfBlue

    will there be some new chapters today? im loving this novel, just dont do things too fast, since most fanfics go from 0 to 100 real quick jumping from arc to arc, my advice would be to make this series kind of like a slice of life transitions between the moments from the show, like the show goes 1 to 2 ep, but you can go 1 ep, then show life around and build up momentum to the 2 ep

    Ch 21 Ch. 21 Everything is Normal…
    Teen Mage in Teen Wolf
    TV · Quade_The_Unknown
  • SorcererOfBlue
    Comentado por

    oooh, i wanted to see him experimenting with magic ;-; i read the twenty chapter all for this moment, but oh well, i will continue reading this novel

    Ch 21 Ch. 21 Everything is Normal…
    Teen Mage in Teen Wolf
    TV · Quade_The_Unknown
  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a AoMaEr

    the divinity of eternal darkness?? is in the titile, and if you want a for trought explanation, research in the lord of mysteries wiki for the great old one eternal darkness Eternal Darkness; Singularity of All; Space-Time-in-One"

    Ch 3 Divinity
    Película · Andrewjones
  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a SorcererOfBlue

    Now i realize that you put the tag "Magic" for what i know from demon slayer( that isn't much tbh ) there should be no magic in this world, so it means that you are already thinking of expanding the world, kinda hyped :)

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  • SorcererOfBlue
    respondió a SorcererOfBlue


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