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I'm always way off when predicting this type of stuff (Even certain scenes that I think will be short end up taking three chapters sometimes.), but I think it's safe to bet that there'll be more than 1000 chapters considering only the content I have already planned and decided. If we were to include the ideas I'm still undecided about, I wouldn't be surprised if it passes 2000. As for dropping the story, that's not going to happen. I started it as a hobby, and now I don't have as much time to write it as I wish I had, but unless an accident happens, I'll keep uploading. I really enjoy writing and developing this story, no matter what, I'll keep doing it.
Sorry, I missed this comment. Judging by the date, I assume you are talking about the current arc (Isabella's). This has a few reasons. I'll start with the meta reason: It's a little hard to justify breaking away from the narrative with Isabella to a chapter focusing on dungeon adventures. I always hope to make them fun, but I don't want them to get in the way of the current story being told. Narrative-wise, Miwen is currently working on a lot of things simultaneously. Alongside what we see with Isabella, the whole Kingdom is working on the shadows to fulfill a bunch of different objectives. Dungeon raids are hard and it is necessary to prepare solid teams for them. For Miwen's purpose, it's better to have the girls focus on other tasks. I hope this answers your question, but if I misunderstood something, feel free to tell me and I'll try to explain my reasoning as best as I can.
Yup! It puts a smile on my face when I remember how much of a non-factor they were the last time they were in this world compared to now. At most, using everything he had, Miwen managed to topple a General, but ultimately couldn't change almost anything but the fate of 1 girl. Now he's bringing the fight to them and winning. My boy has come a long way and these are just the first steps of his story...
North Dragon. Image made with AI.
Mia/Isa's world map.
I get quite sad writing tragedies for the characters, but Isabella is quite special to me in that regard. Even though she's tragedy incarnate, even at her lowest she never loses her hope that things will get better. She keeps on struggling against anything and everything that comes her way, and I think I quite like that about her.
Funny story: I saved the draft of the next part with the exact same name, except it had a (03) at the end. I saw this chapter in my published ones, and thought it was actually my drafts, so almost had a heart attack thinking I had published the wrong one.
True, thanks!
Same! Happy New Year!
Thank you very much for the support!