

2020-07-04 Se unióGlobal

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  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a Drahnier

    Hard to imagine that book actually gets updated either lol. This is one of my favorite stories, but I'm not trying to check out his other book and be let down twice.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a altlecrzy

    That's why I've legit stopped doing that since his first break lol

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a PancakesWitch

    It's good enough that most people probably just overlook it. And as I said, I wasn't trying to be rude about it. I was simply pointing out that you shouldn't say something in a book review that's not true. Especially when it's something many people will find a big deal. Not sure why you're being so rude and defensive when I directly said I'm not trying to be rude.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a ottopayback

    I'm not trying to be rude about this at all, but even I have favorite authors and all but errors are still very noticeable. I read many many books that leave you confused trying to figure out what is meant before you can keep reading. Thankfully this is a bit better, but seeing that as the first thing in your review gave me huge hopes. It's literally like every 2 of 3 paragraphs though that there are errors with wording that stop me and make me think, well that's not right.? Plus you saying you're not good at giving reviews to then turn around and have a very good one kinda made me think you were the author on another account or something to give the book a boost.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a ottopayback

    Not in the first 40, but figured I'd give an example, though this one is very small it is where I am currently at. "Master… Did you had breakfast?" asked Jon, his clothes made him look like a young little evil prince, wearing shorts that showed his slender white legs, and a cute black sweater." That's not a correct sentence. Did you HAVE breakfast.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a ottopayback

    It's a great book so far, but honestly wondering if this is a fake review. In the first 40 chapters I've seen numerous grammatical mistakes. That was one of the things that caught my attention reading this review and it was 100% not true. Could very well ruin chances of others reading the book if they also feel like review was faked.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    respondió a Dan_Walker

    He was awake when they forced taking some blood from him. That's what clown face was doing in the prison.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    Comentado por

    Honestly it's hard enough to keep updating one often enough. Why didn't you just write some and not post until you finish this novel?

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
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    I just want to point out, how many people are talking negative of the story and your writing? Maybe 10? Of thousands of people reading. They are pissy because it's so good we literally can't wait for the next chapter. So it's very extra noticeable when it doesn't go their way.

  • Lott1217
    Lott12173 years ago
    Comentado por

    is this book finished? Abandoned? I was enjoying reading this book.