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so... phase spiders from dnd. but eldritch? . . . Link for the Official publication.
Love Eryk's tale so far. posting this review after having read over 100 chapters on other sites. Spoilers Ahead. . . . . . . . As someone who is an avid lover of history, especially surrounding the Roman empire, as well as prior military experience, I have to say that the adherence to reality is rather uncanny. From the unfortunate blisters, adapting to the Latin base language, hatred of ruck marches, and the camaraderie that spawns from shared pain, Author tells a tale closer to reality than fiction. The minor westernization of the Roman empire is easily explained by the thousands of years passing, yet so much is kept the same. I'm glad for this because it's realistically easier this way for someone to adapt. I know we all read these books to escape reality and forget our pathetic lives (No? just me? Okay then), but quite often I'll say "That's not how that would really work". Yes I know this is fantasy and so what. but I don't get that with this book. Even with the magic System. Speaking of magic, the way that it is handled is very well done. the distinction of the levels of strength is well portrayed. The fact Eryk is not seeking to be the ultimate and is okay taking some lesser spell forms despite his high aptitude is commendable. Just because a spellform requires a higher aptitude doesn't mean it's the better spell, and I love that this is represented. All over: Great story. The characters are well fleshed out, the Background is thoroughly explained, and the pacing is wonderful. only downside? Will be slow chaper release (2-5 days) Once it's caught up.
i've never laughed so hard in my life. At this point he just need to meet Halsin.
really feel like date night is when nest agents will kidnap him. moms absence is sus.
Finished reading the whole book. Will post points on each of the 5 Judging points. SPOILERS AHEAD *************************** Writing Quality: Overall generally good. slight grammatical mistakes that are easily over looked. They are consistent errors so once you're able to know what word to substitute for the written one you're good. There are times when names are mixed up, but again, easy to figure out who is being talked about. Stability of Updates: Book is finished. Nuff said. Story Development: This one gets the lowest rating from me. The pacing is all opver the place, and some time skips are sudden and random with no warning given. Also, around chapter 170/207 the pacing takes such a HUGE leap. we go from this guys day to day, to suddenly we're rushing the ending, introducing new kingdoms and entire story lines, with only 30 chapters or less left. The first 100ish chapters had great pacing, and while there were issues with him doing things it's clearly stating he can't, it's good. But then he's suddenly one of the most powerful in the entire dimension? (trying to avoid giving direct spoilers) It feels like Author just got tired of his story and threw in the kitchen sink and everything else, wrapped it up with some random time travel and said good enough. Character Design: Zayne is very well designed. He's well fleshed out and easy to comprehend. The other characters Author takes the time to have him really interact with are also well designed. World Background: MC clearly has memory loss, and in the first half of the novel, Author really draws you in. He makes you want to learn more about this massive realm with the MC. And then he tosses it all down the drain at the end. OVERALL: Decent read. Not Authors best work. Possibly his worst. Rushed ending killed any excitement I had for the novel. Would recommend? No. Would recommend the Author for having a decent writing style? absolutely.
why does this make me think of the moon... and how those who see it go mad?