


"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allen Poe

2020-06-06 JoinedUnited States



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I Need an Answer

"What's his story, I wonder?" Wren says, teasing me because of what happened earlier. "Don't know and don't care, how about you go ask him since you're so curious?" I grumbled as I pull my sandwich and apple out of my paper sack. "I may not have to .... because he's walking over here. Like right now" Wren says a bit surprised. Just before I could take a bite of my Red Delicious apple, a pair of long legs clothed in ripped jeans walked up and stood right across from me at the other side of our table. My eyes slowly drifted up past his Metallica shirt that is partially hidden by his leather jacket, past the tattoo on his neck to be met with a sparkling, white smile and brilliant blue eyes that seemed to already be mocking me. "Hey, sorry about earlier Cherry, you're so short that I didn't even realize that I bumped into someone" he says, trying to be charming. My cheeks enflamed when he called me "Cherry", it was a nickname from my past that I had wanted to keep buried. There was too many bad memories with that name and I'd rather not give Mr. Casanova here any bright ideas. "I have a name and that isn't it, why don't you just go bother someone else already? You're blocking my light" I say to him with a shooing motion, hoping that he would take the hint and go talk to the cheerleaders or even the geeks. Anyone else as long as it isn't me! He drops his bag to the ground and leans over, capturing a strand of my fiery, orange hair in between his fingers as he stares deep into my eyes, deep into my soul and smiles teasingly at me. "Really? You could've fooled me" he says as he twists the strand around his fingertip. This boy is all kinds of trouble, I could just feel it. But I could also feel something else .... and maybe it is just the beginning.

PastelCure · Teen
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