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he was killed by his brother and then brought back. it was probably something to do with this
xu Qing probably dident summon him. he most likely came on his own because he sensed the aura of his father on the school head since xu Qing is the source of the purple snow flake and thus the source of the variant immortal school heads soul threads.
you could almost sat it was a *fishy* situation
is it just me or has the same chapter been repeated several times?
Grey gets his third pet
well if you wanna continue your bloodline you gotta have 11kids to ensure you still have an heir after 10 of them die of disease or get killed by monsters.
the word count is probably referring to how it's written in Chinese, though I don't know Chinese so I'm also just guessing
its literally the reason Arnaldo started slautering all the gods
sounds like some good rum to me