


just have always loved sitting down with a good book.

2020-05-31 Se unióUnited States



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Finding Fire - Elemental Gifts Book 1

Being 25 and having your only family in the world pass away, is not for the faint of heart. Kenna is working to put her life together after the passing of Granny, her mother/father/grandmother all wrapped into one. As if loosing Granny isn’t bad enough, she left a private letter in her will just for Kenna that directed her to a secret alcove in the attic of their home. Where everything turned upside down for Kenna. Turns out Granny isn’t the only family she had left and her mother didn’t exactly die in child birth as Kenna has been told her entire life, and Kenna was not the only child born the night of her mother’s death. There were five babies born that night, three girls and two little boys. But her mother and father both died the night her and her siblings were born, from a car crash. The courts would not let Granny take all five babies and she was only able to take Kenna. According to the information Kenna found, she is supposed to be this wonderful fifth child. But, if she had magical powers she would know about it, wouldn’t she? Deciding to test this theory that she had abilities to control the elements, knowing full well there was no such thing. She soon discovered that she was wrong and Granny was right. She can create, control and manipulate the four elements. Also, according to the information, since the creation of this bloodline there has been a faction of people called the Restorers determined to eliminate the bloodline. They are identified by a tattoo somewhere on their body of a circle with an R in the middle and the four elements surrounding the R.

Kyndra_Robidoux · Fantasía
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