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Frankly speaking, the survey is in the way now. You've built a story so I don't understand how Himiko won't fall in love with the main character. I like the relationship you've built between them. Hatsume is more like a friend now. Of course, I understand that you conducted a survey, but it seems to me that you should change your love interest.(translator)
Bread is bad for ducks (translator)
What do you mean by good? If he joins the ranks of heroes by enrolling in the hero academy, then I would not want to. I actually like the idea of him being a hero without a license. Killing villains is also a good thing. So if he goes along the route he is going now, then I will be satisfied. Battles with heroes were also interesting to read.(translation)
It's Russian. The literal translation is that (shit) is written at the beginning and then he just took a shit in letters and numbers.
A great fanfiction on the Harry Potter universe. Maybe not everything is perfect, but seeing such a low overall score, I can't put a perfect score. I especially liked the jokes (I actually dropped out about Merlin Stalin). In general, I recommend you to read this work. By the way, I read it in one go. I hope the author will not lose his muse and will continue to write. Good luck in writing and in your personal life. (This is a translation)
If we talk about characters using water, I can suggest Gia Tomioka or Dagon from jujutsu Kaisen. The first uses a katana to attack with water, and the second uses water and summons sea creatures to attack opponents. (translator)
How long did they sail so they could learn the language ?
Прошло грёбаных 10 минут с его разрыва. Я видел супермена гея , но вот супер шлюхи я ещё не видел.
Где он носит телефон ? Или он лежит у него дома ?
Мой рост мало кто называет высоким. Мне даже стало интересно место жительства автора.