Loves To Read & Write
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Now that's priorities... "Until I'm proven otherwise, everyone is equally annoying to me..."It sounds like my sister's silent judgement on everyone and I can respect that. I'm indifferent to others until they prove themselves to be worth associating with if we have similar interests, know how to reciprocate a conversation, know how to listen, know how to honestly give their own opinions and don't bend on it, etc.
It's sad but true... Unless there's a race of hyper-advanced beings out there that can share each other's every thought and emotion; thereby creating a perfect consensus and values each other's equal rights, representation, voices, and such...
The TVA aren't as cracked up as you might think them to be. They self style themselves as chronomonitors, but don't forget that the Marvel Universe is vaster than an organization of high-tech timeline watchers. There are Celestials... there's Galactus in all his hungry world eating glory, there's the Living Tribunal, the Phoenix Force, the One Above All, and numerous other entities and forces that are way beyond the understanding of the TVA. One of the only possible reasons as to how they are able to do what they do to other timelines is that they were allowed to "cull" them by the actions and eyes of the other big name and powerful entities out there because it's convenient for them.The question you should be asking is... when and if these entities care enough about this alternate dimension of Marvel to lift their metaphorical fingers to save, intervene, or destroy it at their leisure?
I'll do you one better, when is the food?
Let the author cook up their own story and let us readers enjoy it. I'm curious as to how this will turn out. And once I'm curious, I can't help but read more. I'm here trying to find more unique stories to add to my reading collection. This story has indeed peeked my interest.
This got me laughing for real.
This chapter was what truly made me love your story. The slowly growing sea animal Martial Arts fanatics and their growing strength and numbers makes so much sense that it's scary. These little ones now have the guidance and unity to protect themselves, their allies, and to defeat tougher opponents. I love it!!! Keep up the great work.
A smart MC with common sense realizing that it's not just Devil Fruits and Swords in this world, but also guns, cannons, and other stuff too. Thank goodness...!!!