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You have obvIously never been around a girl that likes you
You guys are all fools… he Wasnt dissing him it sounded more like an off handed compliment
Yeah that would be cool if he ould finD another snake and make it a dark element. The snake was by Far the coolest Companion hes had so faR.
The dialogue definitely sounds too “smart” for high school kids. I’m not saying highshool kids can’t sound like this but it’s kinda weird reading it, but other than that I’m loving the book.
Hey guys I'm a new writer trying to bring my imagination to life. This is an idea I've been sitting on for a while and I finally attained the discipline (lol) to put the proverbial pen to the paper. Please comment and your honest opinions on the story (please be brutally honest if possible) I'm here to learn and sharpen my craft. This series will be ongoing so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!