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you can call it what you want but your still a cuk regardless if it's with a woman or man.
did was 50% filler chapters. gotta get those words in when you don't have much story to actually tell am i right guy?
Honestly it started out pretty good. the summoning was pretty cool the mc is ok and his power set seems alright. The problem is the pointless chapters that are 100% filler. this story as of chapter 110 is 40% filler chapters that either try to be funny or just another pov that doesn't really go anywhere. like the twins 2 chapters wasted on some dumb prank that wasn't funny in the slightest just to show how much the mc ate at the end of the 2nd filler chapter. reminds me of DBZ when goku was powering up for 5 episodes yelling all the while a flashback was happening.
I call for Yanzi's incineration lol.
-.- why would he have to explain anything. It's always funny how accommodating these characters are in fantasy worlds. Like 99% of people would have told him in so many words to fk himself that's how they did it
What..... naw man we can't have any competent characters as we gotta get that deus ex machina plot device. You know the weebs love it.
Ahhh yes the generic shonen power up.... so instead of him suddenly getting a summon he gets powered up pointlessly.
I'm at ch. 35 and while initially it was good it's quickly becoming dull. Nothing has happened and he hasn't leveled up once or really accomplished anything. Nothing of interest has happened or even seems to be happening time soon. Da fks the point of a passive leveling system if it's that slow.
So who's the mc??? I thought it was about a dude with a divine library but everybody and their grandma has more screen time. Could be cool but no mc screen time means I'm out.
Life's the cheapest thing on this planet let alone one with actual powers. Believing life is precious is the highest form of privilege that's ever existed.