

2019-12-24 Se unióSingapore



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  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    woahhhh some serious plot development in the past few chapters. can’t wait to see the developments between FL, zhi zhong and zi xu!

    Ch 353 Finishing the Artist's Purchases
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    What a heart wrenching read!

    Ch 345 To Return to Namelessness
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    Someone’s gonna tell her that the prince killed her whole family to silence them? This story is getting darker... will this become a palace politics story? 🤔

    Ch 344 When the Nameless Girl Can be Enough
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    yes you are! well at least he was honest and didn’t lead you on

    He called lovers blinded fools. That was what she was: a blinded, crippled fool, blurred by the thought of intangible, unrequited love. She realized love was impossible, but this realization was all too late. She had been falling into this spiral for years now, and there was no way out.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    you blinded fool!

    When she thought that she could express her feelings, he only smiled. Gave a light laugh. He patted her head, then said, "Xianyue, my Xianyue, do you not know that lovers are blinded fools? To yearn is to distract. To cherish is to inevitably lose. And so, let us not."
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    yes gurl when are u gonna realise

    She needed him. And yet… he did not think the same.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    He gave her her name. He gave her her life. He gave her a sense of purpose. In all of her memories, the only person that shone was him. Fu Hansong. The Prince of Qing.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    I’m gonna puke

    From the very start, from the moment she first saw him, standing in his armor, in the midst of the ruins and wreckage, dust billowing in the wind, it had all been for him.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    i’m really gonna puke!

    His smile was more precious than any jewel. His praise was more valuable than any power or title.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    so what’s his motive really? sounds like such a snake

    She learned that the Prince of Qing was not a position as luxurious as others may have thought. He may have been the brother of the Emperor, but that placed him in the battle for the throne. He could choose to sacrifice his life by openly going against the Emperor, or he could choose to keep his neck on his head by leading a humble life. He chose neither. Just like how she was his shadow, he worked in the shadows as well. He may have had all the people he needed, but they treated him with only greed in their eyes: the most easily bought and the most easily sold value.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    ughhh that brainwash!

    It was not the first time she had seen someone die. Yet it was the first time she had taken a human life with her own hands. She thought she was mentally prepared. But as she did so, she recalled something: a flicker of a memory like a warm smile, then the image of that bandit from when the Prince of Qing saved her dying by his sword. It cut through her head in burning pain, but she did not allow it to disturb her task at hand. 
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    i’m pretty sure i could write another fanfic starting from here...

    She asked him if she could serve him.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    if only this was a romance story. alas!

    He was sitting in his palace, reading a scroll. When she went to him, he looked up. In his eyes, there was no surprise. He knew eventually, she would come find him. All this time, he had been waiting for her.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    power will lead to your death you noob

    Palaces did that to the hearts of people. It whispered the promises of prestige; it sang the melodies of luxury. Anyone in there for long enough would grow to yearn for power. And there was only one way for that power: to prove oneself.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    don’t be blinded! noooooooo!

    The longer she spent in that palace, the more she came to know of this. The longer she spent in that palace, the more determined she grew to change. Staring at the golden walls, the vivid silks, and the priceless jewels, she knew she did not want to live her current life, dressed in rags, forever. She could not remain content with her current lifestyle.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    gurl you jealous?!

    She was not beautiful. She was not skilled. And nor was she wise.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
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    welp at least he didn’t take advantage of her?

    Because of that, once he brought her back to his palace, she did not see him for months.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    Is that Bo Zhi Zhong’s brotherrrr?

    He was the Prince of Qing, Fu Hansong. As the younger brother of the current Emperor, people flocked to him naturally. He did not need to do anything. With a sweep of his hand, a word off his tongue, hundreds would be willing to bet their lives and trust their families in his hands, all for the sake of fortune and power. He did not lack people, nor did he lack support.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    that’s how the nameless girl got brainwashed

    And so, that was how the nameless girl earned her first name.
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi
  • SassyQueen
    Comentado por

    if you don’t follow you won’t get to live gurl!

    "Then, would you like to come with this prince? Follow me, and I shall give you a place to live, food to eat, and water to drink."
    Power Up, Artist Yang!
    Historia · yaoyueyi