I love detailed and well describe smut and kinks especially more if the story is truly great. Founder & Leader of Free Pass Exp Sect
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It's feels like I already read this on FF.net, are you perhaps Mr. Grumpy the Depraved writer of Master of Konoichi? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Welcome back my dude! I'm here to remind you of the Christmas and New Year's lewds that you promised to us!
I just read this book from another sites and this is really good, I don't know if you're the real CasualFarmer or just someone taking his name and novel pretending to be him. Now on the juicy parts of the novel, this one practically deconstructed and played the whole usual Xianxia tropes and also people here have "common sense" and they're not idiots, that's the only thing I can say as anything else well be spoilers also please give this novel a try because trust me this one is really good. . . . . . Also Meiling best Waifu!!!
ah man just finished reading your story and it's good. I want to ask if you can give me the link for the cover picture of your novel pleas?.
Issei's potential power level still fluctuate from Great One to Outer God leve, so yeah Issei is fucking overpowered if he ascend as an Eldritch God.
Now you're talking like a real author.
of course Leo being Beast VI become the embodiment of Humanities Collective Unconscious Edginess
nah Mercurius and Muzan is my fave let's just they resonate to me
maybe he's starting to break free out of the shackles of God and be his own self for once!