

2019-12-20 Se unióGlobal

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  • Whymetho
    respondió a Dextuary

    didnt mordret say he has rhe heart gods lineage/ divine aspect? isnt he looking for all the divine aspects having found 5/6.. shadow being the only one not found?

    But it was the next step, which no Awakened of their world had taken before, that signified truly attaining the qualities of the divine. A Sacred being was already a deity, albeit a lesser one. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Frisk_Pichi

    no she’d just not be bound by the spell, ppl used to awaken naturally in the padt and still recieve truenames, Sunny only losg his bc he lost his Fate

    Of course, Rain did not see any of it, because she was already diving behind the twisted tree.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    Comentado por

    i wonder will she recieve shadows lineage bc Weaver’s devoured it from Sunny, but we all know the Deamon’s lineage is stronger in the end bc of that..

    Of course, Rain did not see any of it, because she was already diving behind the twisted tree.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    Comentado por

    i like that Rain didnt awaken during the time skip so its not a flashback, we get to see it happen in real time

    It was also a bit funny. Awakened warriors were often shown preparing mentally for battle while donning their armor, but she was doing the same while taking it off. Such was the pitiful life of a mundane hunter. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Candlwax

    got my vigor at 55 and still get 2 shotted by everything, especially the last boss 2nd ohase 😒

    Rain had taken off her winter coat, her light armor, and even her military jacket, leaving only the henley and the wool vest on. No amount of armor was going to protect her from the Awakened Demon, so she wanted her movements to be as agile and unobstructed as possible. It seemed a little poetic, as if she was proclaiming that there would be no retreat, only victory… or death.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Catarina_Amado

    yk i was saying that but based off how he trying to reach sumpreme it should be a natural awakening. which very wellncould happen in Dream realm istead of a nightmare

    Walking through it, Sunny wondered what could have brought this mighty wall down and left it laying in ruins, like it lay in the hidden realm that was imprisoned in the reflection of the illusory castle. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Whymetho

    but i will be seeing everyone after the weekedn is over bc Im on that New Elden bois 🧝‍♀️🙏🏽

    "Yes... I am fine. Let's just go...." 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    Comentado por

    Nephis’ memory wiped feeling for Sunny is prolly playing a part in all this too, and if Cassie’s as smart as w think she maybhave caught into the fact that they had sumthing going on before they all go memory wiped.. especially w the way Sunny talks abt Nephis and her goals to Cassie. i do hope Cassie achieve Supreme when they do bc he blessing is Sacred and shes more intune w her abilities more than anyone else… her iq prolly 200

    "Yes... I am fine. Let's just go...." 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
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    1 lvl lower than thw theibing bird who stole weavers eye Cursed Terror

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
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    Condemnation: is the act of saying that something or someone is very bad and unacceptable.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
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    Look at Fate playing its part again

    There had been a reason for that, of course. She did not know which of the fellow Sleepers had been sent to kill her, at the time… Cassie had had her circumstances, too. Still, these girls reminded her of the two of them. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Sione9785

    weavers mask

    By the time he reached the midpoint between the shore and the castle, the play his avatar was watching reached intermission. The other Sunny rose from his seat and went to the theater's cafe, making sure to be seen by as many people as possible. Of course, he kept to the dark corners to make the absence of his shadow hidden. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Cario02

    nah its there, just like future sunny was there too

    The damned bird had done something to him, resulting in such an impossible thing happening. Which meant… what? 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Frisk_Pichi

    true it could be Sacred i didn’t think of that

    The Sovereign was facing a Great Titan. Sunny recognized that harrowing creature from the Battle of the Black Skull, where it had decimated the armies of both Valor and Song. The Titan was vast and abominable, its power inconceivable…
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Dextuary

    To move all his ppl from theyre world into the dream world in order to conquer the pyramid nightmare

    The clouds veiling the sky were not clouds, but a myriad of flying swords. The man standing on the ruined wall of the siege capital was not a mere mortal, but a Sovereign. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    Comentado por

    Sunny needs a true goal, in order to use shadow shell correctly w out losing himself

    "Because otherwise, I wouldn't be me!"
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    Comentado por
    Nephis looked away, hiding her embarrassment at the inappropriate thought, and summoned two charms — the [Dire Warning] and the [Testament of Malice]. One possessed an enchantment that scared off creatures of a lesser Rank than her, the other added an element of insidious decay to her attacks — not too powerful, but cumulative. 
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    Comentado por

    maybe find the 4th seed in the ocean

    He sighed heavily, and then grinned, his eyes glinting with excitement.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
    respondió a Whymetho

    i see it already

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree
  • Whymetho
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    theyll find the next drram seed here

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasía · Guiltythree