An avid reader of fictional romance with good intrigue in the plot!
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Friend? Foe? no......Father! 😁😈
Good, investigate it! So far the suspects are WLs mother-in-law, or ex-girlfriend. But just because someone else instigated the whole ordeal, doesn't mean Wang Lu is blameless. He is still at fault for easily believing one side of the story without question, and refusing to listen to the woman he claims he loves. The fact that he's still obsessed with Mei -- gets jealous, but also gets easily triggered by her actions, and his obvious dismissal of her personal feelings -- just shows that he doesn't really love her, he's possessive. Like a kid in a play area who sets aside a toy, only to pick it up the moment they see another kid trying to play with it. Whether he realizes it or not, his treatment of her is more of ownership, rather than love.
Good husband, avenge your beloved wifey!
*Sigh* 😞 As always, the blame goes to everyone else before they realize it's their fault .
Ego indeed! His own best friend hates him, and plans to seek justice. Go Leng Shao! Prove yours and Mei's innocence. As for who fabricated the "cheating" scandal, we have two probable suspects: the mom-in-law, or the other woman
Ooh, some office action!
Why does that feel like foreshadowing...?🤔😨
TRUTH!! Singles get to see everything from a third-party perspective, and learn a lot without emotions hindering them. Looking at lovers, they can either go: "ooh! couple goals!" 😮👏🏻 or "hmm, not this" 😒🤮