


I like good stories and can never get enough of them

2019-11-07 Se unióAustria

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  • kuroooka
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    hahaha frustrated but still praising 😉

    And moreover the first time I went to see him, your boy was already sleeping with him and even unconscious he stood up and was ready to attack me whereas I was always under my force field.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    the father in laws are working together 😈

    Kevin shared the mark of the Union with Mykael's son so if he died, Kevin would die too, this son of a bitch could have killed the only human he ever considered his son.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    Tanos paled instantly and this news destabilized him so much that he forgot to attack this God with his spells.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    oooohhhh, kevin is flexing ^^

    He said to Mykael while turning his sword a quarter in the heart of this general to further open the wound : "I know, otherwise they would all be dead by now, believe me, but what's the point of showing them my true power when I can annihilate them like that without difficulty."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    this will be interesting 🤔😏

    And Mykael, before joining Kevin, chose to go first to Solomon, his brother and his men who had escaped the explosion and who were standing, just like the King's soldiers, at a certain distance from this fight to avoid being hit by their powerful attacks and at the same time they were close enough to be ready to intervene if Kevin needed their help.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    aawwe kevin is coming 🥰😉

    He had already guessed that it was his son-in-law, the mark of the Union must have warned him when Axel had been hit by that explosion and that was also why this demon had ordered to the King's soldiers to withdraw, he must have felt Kevin's power.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    wow, it would be nice if every parent could be this nice to their children when and after they come out

    'You have a free apartment. Feel free to do whatever you don't have privacy for. I wanted to give you this couple pajamas I ordered from your favorite designer. It's designed especially for you two. It's royal blue, lined with ivory. You have a dog, Yiyi's is a cat. Enjoy!'
    On your knees, my love
    LGBT+ · Eoli
  • kuroooka
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    well he is her son in law, well a future son in law

    "Mother?" he asked because he already guessed the reason why Yixing could punch in the code without a hitch. He nodded and walked in while excusing himself. Huobai only followed. 
    On your knees, my love
    LGBT+ · Eoli
  • kuroooka
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    Liam smirked and told him in an almost inaudible voice as he winked at him : "It's thanks to my Drakonit husband."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    as I said a few chapters before, here is the next one 😅, mykael you deserve it 😉

    As he had told him before, he had brought him here with him because he still had a lot to learn and he needed to be able to represent Kevin when he wasn't available.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    well since I don't think that Ian wants to really rule, than solomon could be the next new king or substitute king 🤔, actually I think it would be a good idea to change the rule how the next king would be chosen.... this time they were lucky that fate chose two reasonable kings, but that doesn't mean it will e always like that 🤷‍♀️

    Mykael smirked seeing him reacting like this, this demon wanted to protect his people against the oppression of their King and he didn't hesitate to get involved himself in the fight, indeed he had the makings of a true leader.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    How those guys could tell each other apart with a simple black bandage … so he lifted Liam's right sleeve to look at the bandage and when he looked at the one his son had, they were perfectly alike and he understood at once.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    at least his men respected him more than enough to avenge him in a good way 🥰

    Riots broke out all over the world because everyone knew that the King of Shadow was their protector against injustice, and the men he had personally trained began to overthrow one government after another with targeted assassinations.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    When he saw that Elias was taken aback by this news he added : « I only found out a week ago that I have a 24 year old son and they were already together at that time."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    He took one last look at Colin and he teleported directly to where Elias was.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    I actually think it's the other way around 🤨

    Mykael sighed again and he told him : "You really are a hopeless case."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    Colin chuckled and he said to him while rubbing his cheek against his, enjoying this new feeling even if he knew that he was playing with fire : "Of course it's worth it, that bitch had just threatened your son's life and … it had been a long time since you held me in your arms."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    please mykael ,just go for it😩 or at least try it since you can't let go😔 . . . or do we need Kevin and his crew to play wingmen again 😏

    And on second thought, he probably didn't want him to move on, it was very selfish of him but he liked keeping Colin around him.
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    Colin wiped away his tears and said to him nerviously : "Damn, this is super embarrassing, I really thought this time I went a little too far and you were mad."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya
  • kuroooka
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    come on, isn't kind of obvious that he is unconsciously interested , it's a sealed room which can only be entered and exited by the two of them , for gods sake

    Mykael then took his chin so that Colin would looked him in the eye and he said to him : "Rest Colin and I can assure you that I don't intend to get rid of you."
    My Mage System (BL)
    LGBT+ · CeliaNaya