there is nothing to describe
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If there's a hole there's a goal, if there's a stick you can get fricked, if there's nothing get to rubbing. (I suck at this. Make it better, please)
Mmm, I guess let me be more specific, I was a bit vague. Who, a person that actually matters, judges someone on their handwriting. I meant someone who can actually impact her life. I know that people online can be a-holes but unless they're actually being helpful you should just completely ignore them. How I go about it is unless I think they can help me or that I trust them, anything they say I will not take to heart or think too long about. Though since I am not famous I don't need to care too much about my public image.
So she committed treason against the king?
??? Did you literally just put a picture of yourself? Cause that's an oddly specific date and person to get. Either that or I am the only thing on your mind considering you scrolled 8 years back on someones insta, not to mention this might not be the first person you scrolled through. I am quite flattered but I do think it'll work out between us.
Wow you mean that I am wrong about your pfp? Mean just like you were about mine? Also if that's you bring "nice" maybe learn what being nice actually means. Your pfp from Black Haze? Blow?
Really? I thought we were basing each other off of our pfp's. And thinly veiled? Nah that was just straight mockery of you. If you can't see that you might need some glasses.
Wow, an edge lord graced us with their words. All shall sing praises to you from now til future. What a most auspicious day to be able to be graced by the words of an edge lord. It is enough to bring one to tears. Do you have more wise words you may so benevolently grace us with, oh dear edge lord?
It'll be funny when you are not allowed to leave your room for 100 years after your mother(and/or father) finds out. That is if you live.