


Just reading Webnovels for fun.

2019-10-06 Se unióUnited States

de lectura


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  • SunMetal
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    Losing virginity twice (R-18)
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasía · J_a_zzy
  • SunMetal
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    Scared (R-18)
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasía · J_a_zzy
  • SunMetal
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    Thanks for the chapter

    Ch 111 Invasion of the Apprentice
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    He really does want to die. Can’t blame him.

    "Gods damnit you three twits! Behead me! I must be beheaded and then my head must be kept from my body for several days for this damnable body to actually die! Please kill this fucking prison and free me from this torment! Take my head from my shoulders damn you monsters!" Screams Ro from a smiling face, a faint posh accent mixing with a bumpkin drawl as the three bosses nod their heads, malicious smiles painting each of their faces.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    What a terrible fate. Only death can save him at this point

    {Name- Ro the Apprentice Boss Rank-C Description- Ro was the ill fated apprentice to Stein the avatar of Insanity. Picked up as a child, Ro was forced into apprenticeship under the mad magician of the royal court. As Sir Stein began his experiments Ro realized that something evil was guiding his master and attempted to flee. Sadly Ro was found and dragged back to the Avatar of Insanity who as punishment for the sleight began to experiment on the teenagers body. Soon Ro's body was no longer his own and his mind locked away as the mad magician began to do unholy things to the poor boy. His flesh, bones, and organs were replaced with a malleable and adaptable jelly from the realm of the insane that was able to adapt and heal at extraordinary rates. His soul was put into a soulstone and hidden within the new form to fuel it and the husks mouth sewn shut so it could not tell its story. Ro was now an immortal slave to the avatar but that was not the end, for if the avatar were to fall the poor imprisoned boy would be forced to serve his master, and sadly his fate has been sealed.}
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    Heck yeah. Get swole little buddy.

    "Wompa sense leader hiding nearby. Uses strange powers to hide but is in village. We kill leader and Wompa thinks we win and eat the baddies that are left and get super swole!" Exclaims Wompa excitedly as his elder bosses glance at him in confusion before they process his words and nod.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    Thanks for the chapter.

    Ch 110 Slumming It
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    I bet spooky is a sharp looking boss.

    "So this is what I look like now? Huh...I thought I'd be prettier." Says the victorious boss stoically as he walks to the door at the back of the room and waits for the rest of the group and his dumbfounded team mates.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    The wordplay between the two bosses is pretty nice.

    'Ha! Grand showing old boy! I suppose I should show the same respect! A {Quickstep} to the right will bring {An Age Old Pain} to the forefront of your soul. My {Enchanting Thoughts} will rend your mental landscape until nothing remains but {Garish Dreams}. I will fill you to the brim with my {Masters Pins} and open your body for the {Conversion of Flesh} and you shall finally join my pride and joys! Now { En Garde}!' Rambles the voice as Silent Jack dashes forward as quick as lightning, his arm outstretched in a refined thrust as a needle pushes out of his wrist and snaps into the area Spooky just inhabited. 
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    Nice! He’s using his skills like a artist would use a brush.

    "Damnit....You hide behind your pack like a coward, ramble like a lunatic, but strike deftly and move as quickly and fluidly as the wind. Yes you are the challenge I seek. I will use my skills now and show you who truly is the predator and prey. {Lycan Artist} I create a masterpiece of violence and blood. I call upon the {Cursed Kings Testament} to prove that I am the true ruler of this battle. With {Venoms Edge} I slash at you and mark you as mine. {Mark of the Hunter} shall track your form as {Savage Blows} rain down upon your cursed head." Spooky says as skills begin to activate one after the other, a cursed ring of howling souls forcing the toymakers creations out and creating a barrier of death and desolation around the pair.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    Wow. He seem like a nice guy at first but he sure was twisted to start. Not surprising that he took the deal with the dungeon.

    {Name- Silent Jack Boss Rank-B Profession-Toymaker Description- Every child in Gotyr's capital knew of the kindly man Jack. He would spend his days handcrafting toys for the children of the country from the grandest of mechanized pets to the most basic of tops and triggers. Little did anyone know that Jack secretly detested the children of the country, never did they truly appreciate his art and more than once they brought his cherished creations back shattered and stained. So Jack secretly began enchanting the toys he made, at first small things such as stealing gold and bringing it back to him, shattering plates and vases, children's naughty habits gone wrong. But soon that wasn't enough, his toys were built around soulstones as his skill with magic flourished. The toys soon began to learn and they too grew to resent the children that abused them. When the first toy teddy slashed open his little girl the town accused wild dogs or goblins unknowing that the child's soul was now trapped inside her cuddly friend. Jack gathered these souls and refined them, his dark deeds slowly morphing his aged body to a more demonic view as he continued to follow the whispers guidance. Then one day Jack was caught, his true form now seen by several rogues outside his shop. As they tried to slay him he let out a mad cackle as several children charged the men, their bodies a stitched horror show of plush and flesh. As an unlucky blade plunged into Jack's throat he finally smiled a true smile for the first time in years, his body undying as he was knocked to the floor and later taken to the holding cells. Unbeknownst to the ignorant guards, Jack was right where he needed to be.}
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    This mc is such a smooth talker.

    Kevin laughed at her question, finding her question amusing. He couldn't help but respond with a touch of humor, saying, "I do have a Some fondness for treasure hunts in barren plains. But don't worry, I'm not afraid to explore the jungle when the opportunity arises."
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasía · J_a_zzy
  • SunMetal
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    Game of hands (R-18)
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasía · J_a_zzy
  • SunMetal
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    He’s getting his own song before he’s dragged to the underworld.

    "He accepted of course this pact he took like a simple thief or crook. He died that night and then he rose and decided to grab his hook. He hunted in town and the noble quarter and soon he knew the truth. A mad dungeon core He knew not more but he swore upon the suit. He donned his apron and hunted the streets, always looking for the freshest meat. For thousands of years Old Baskin feared a prison he was trapped. But Lafey the banshee would silence his life with the chains of life and death. She sang her song against his screams, she rent his soul from the seams, she seperated the mortal man from the monster her grew into that tormented the lands! She wrought her anger she screamed her peace she broke his vison and robbed his feast and starved his mind and shattered his heart and that was simply the start. Baskin you boar you slug of a man you gave of your soul for a knife and some sand to build up a castle of falsified dreams of you being a hunter and connoisseur of screams! Your the walking dead and not much else and your body will tremble and you shall gestalt for all your sins I banish you now to the cursed other side, a special hell!" Screams Lafey, the chains shining as the pierce into Baskins rotund form, each link connecting to a piece of his body and pulling in each direction. The body of Baskin is held aloft as tears stream down his face, the small emaciated face of a child imposed overtop the disgusting undead visage.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    What a creepy dude.

    "Ah the famed minstrel Lafey! It was such a tragedy that I could not partake of your talented flesh before that bastard of a bard ended your career. But no worries my dear he got his just desserts in the end, and I made sure he lived until the very end." Baskin says happily, his chins wobbling as drool dribbles off the first to drip in between the folds of the second and third.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    The miner slut (R-18)
    The Omnistore System
    Fantasía · J_a_zzy
  • SunMetal
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    Heck yeah! Another way to get stuff.

    "I see you have brought new customers my friend! Bosses from a competing employer, yes? Welcome new friends! Welcome! I am Fernadot, purveyor of magical wares, obtainer of the most quality of scrolls, devourer of the seven horned demon! We have all that you seek and more! Here is my card friends! Bring this back to your employer if you survive and they may be allowed to open their own franchise of my Exemplary Emporium!" Boasts the man as an obsidian card appears in Tyr's hands, strange runes crawling across the small rectangle.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    Interesting. He became a shop npc. With a good spread of stuff to buy.

    "Ah my friend! Miss Allana what have you brought for old Fernadot today?  Mayhaps some more pieces of undead or drops to sell to your buddy? Oh or were you finally able to defeat one of the elites and need a pick me up? No worries my friend! Frenadot's Exemplary Emporium has all of your magical needs! From potions to poisons, skills and thrills, possessed weapons to god touched creatures we have all your needs at low low prices!" Boisterously says the man as he excitedly points to different displays before his eyes lock on the bosses in the group.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    Thanks for the chapter

    Ch 104 Blood Ties
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu
  • SunMetal
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    That’s pretty interesting. So since they were just a normal person, they were mark as a npc. It’s probably been longer than he thinks.

    It's me, Ferrick, again writing in this damnable journal! Della is starting to lose her mind and wants us to rescue the velter girl. Says we should gather survivors in my home and fight back. Daft girl doesn't realizing that fighting does no good. I remember the words appearing in front of my face.{You have now entered The Mad Gods City Dungeon! Warning you are not a dungeon boss, mob, or adventurer! You shall be designated as an NPC of the dungeon until leaving the dungeon or perishing! Your present age, health, and power will be frozen at the present stage until leaving the dungeon!} We don't get older but Della was getting a cold when this happened apparently, she's kept it all this time until a new dead thing came around. Puked ooze all over the streets and made her sicker, she can barely stand but wants to help others? Foolish.
    Awakened As A Dungeon Core?
    Fantasía · Bietarnu