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I personally like the way he writes and the flow of the story. Its pretty good up until the scene between Daemon and Alicent. Now for a genuine questiont; why do people like Alicent? I don't get it at all. She literally has nothing to offer at all, but I always see SI stories choose her as the FML.
Chapter not cheater and Corlys not coreys
I think this time skip was a little too soon. I think you should have explored the reactions of the different houses and the immediate consequences of Rhanyra marrying a legitimized bastard and then Aerions response to them. We got to see Corlys' initial reaction to the marriage, but nothing else. Maybe do a cheater where Aerion and Corlys are talking and do a flashback to a scene to Corey's confronting either the king or Aerion and showing either a solution to their conflict or setting up something for the future. Just my thoughts. Still love this story. Hopefully, you can break this writers block.
I think him being able to warg into a dragon should only be reserved for his own. As dragons are creatures that are magical in nature, you can get around any plotholes by using the bond a rider has with their dragon as a reason for him to be able to warg into his dragon. It might just be me, but having him able to control any dragon seems a little much. Him being able to control any dragon would make him too much of a threat to the crown and also a threat to house Velaryon. Just a personal thought. Also, I really live the direction you're going with the story.
I'm pretty sure this a novel called path of ruin from spacebattle by an author called rictus.
I don't know why this story has so many five star ratings. Do people just stop reading this story after he fights the mountain? the MC goes from being someone who want to do everything in the shadows to fighting one of the most feared swordsman of that time and killing him. han wines and complains over and over again about not wanting to talk about it and why won't they leave him alone. And then here comes Dorne amd he gets even dumber and even more whiney about Prince Oberyn needing to leave him alone. Than he gets ridiculously standoffish with him. I had to stop reading because of how ridiculous it started to become. This story was so great until the author decided that his warrior-librarian needed to start acting how a child would.