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My cringe was already pre-loaded the moment he started talking about it... While I'm glad it didn't happen, a random high school student making these kinds of comments about medicine still feels really iffy.
... Dude, I have no idea how you failed that math to get that number. It's a little less than 7 full years, or 14 years going 12hr/day. 365 * 24 * 7 = 61320 hours 365 days for number of days in a year 24 hours for number of hours in a day
Nah, those memes put her in Low Eldritch God class.
Eh? Kanna doesn't like Asia? Doesn't Asia have the natural dragon tamer attribute that makes them liked by dragons? O_o
Huh, I knew she was strong, but I figured low ultimate, not peak. :O
I can't argue, she's a 12/10 on cuteness and 100% headpattable.
wtf? Seriously, how does this rule fit in a competition at the Clocktower? Yes, they can reinforce themselves, but that is far from the primary means. -_-
*points at Incredibles. Walks away.*
I hope you're right; Mikoto would make a good parental figure for him at this point.
Huh, this is a fun twist. I wonder if Garus will turn a Vampire into a Blood Death Knight?