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I mean yes, the RK were clearly inspired by the Round Table and European knight legends. I always saw the RK like this: Examon = King Arthur Omnimon - Gawain Gallantmon = Lancalot Jesmon = Gareth Kentaurosmon = Tristan Dynasmon = Bedivere Crusadermon = Mordred Alphamon = Galahad Leopardmon = Chadravain (Agravain) the others I can't really see enough resemblance between them to tell, but this is basically how I see the digital round table
I mean, people have different ways to express themselves in FUCKED situations, him is basically acting like an ass, besides, both he and Takato don't qxt as they should logically, Takato ways to deal with everything is to go into battle mode and face everything head on due to his trauma and experience with the D-Reaper when he was only 10 years old, both of them are flawed, and as time goes on I plan to give them character development.
counterpoint... he just wants to return home, take his brother with him, and fuck off back to Britain and leave all of this behind, he is past the point of smiling and laughing, right now he acts as every other scared, confused, and angry teen in this situation... basically like the average 17 year old.
To be fair, he is stuck in a shit situation where the undead walks around, digital monsters are eating everything, and super ghosts are aiming for him and his brother, I too would not be the happiest person if my best bet would be to run straight and hope for the best, also Takato's safety is always first in his eyes.
Thanks for the catch, I didn't even notice
right now he is like the inverse of Impmon before getting his shit kicked in by Gallantmon in mindset, from his perspective digimon only brought trouble to his family, and the world would be safer if they stayed in their own world, so he is very pro human only in his mind.