Bound by intangible shackles of inevitability, she stepped one foot in front of the other. For, despite this anguish, it was simply her path; the only path she could see. And the end was in view.
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Please forgive my terrible grammar - early sentence fix: To clarify how my first perceptions on this book *were*, I'll convey how some of you, new readers, may find the story initially, too. Thanks/Sorry.
I'm harsh and strict with my reviews, and this book is quite possibly the best on this entire site - two facts which I'll be referencing through this review. Firstly, I doubt this review will be seen by many people, but I feel a need - a duty to review this considering I read literally 1.5k chapters. You may say 'but this story only has 1.463k'; this is accurate. To clarify how my first perceptions on this book, I'll convey how some of you, new readers, may find the story initially, too. So, when I started this book, it was far before it was complete, and I while I found the story interesting, I just didn't have money. As simple as that. Considering that and I know of some other good books, I left this book... for about a year... or two? Maybe three... Something like that. Anyway, I return to it and found myself unable to pull away; captivated by the story, I read... read... and read until over a thousand chapters passed. I ended before the first arc and re-read about 50 chapters just to catch me up on everything happening, and in addition to some concerns being cleared up, the story ended up incomparably better than I was expecting. For people wanting a quick review of this book, I will quickly note some aspects about this book I liked, and then I'll go into some detail regarding each, followed by the rating of 5 stars beneath that. - The MC is cold, confident, fairly arrogant, incredibly comedic, and smart. He's certainly not kind, but he has a certain charm which makes me love him... even when he's doing certain things I would hate. That's his attitude, and if you trust in him, he'll give you many laughs later on. - The entire story is fleshed out in full. I know virtually nothing about mechanic... stuff. Or weapons. Literally nothing. But everything sounded incredibly genuine and unique while making me curious as to how it would improve - and everything does continue to show improvement. - Extremely comedic; mostly orchestrated by the MC, the story takes a silly twist on this story which feels like it's enshrouded in a sea of night. An assassin in the night, killing high-ranking persons, and casually taking on anything he wants, yet making it all funny, and in a somewhat mature, intelligent manner. - Pacing; this is entirely biased as we all know, but I enjoy the pace - it's a flawless speed and while some parts may feel rushed or slow to some people, considering the extremely long chapters and extreme number of chapters, the fact that this goes on for such a long time makes any time skips perfectly understandable and genuinely appreciated. The story knows how to adjust itself according to interesting events. - Logic/system; this is something I was the most concerned, excited, and curious about. How in the world would they actually manage to maintain this level of quality for this many chapters...? I had to wonder. Somehow, they did it. As I understand how seriously difficult this is, the manner in which it's taken here speaks of a lot of talent and effort. It can't be put into words how exceptional the system is structured and how you can see the MC's growth throughout all these chapters so clearly. Alright! I'll now dig into some of the points I made. If you only want to check how I rated the above stats, feel free to just dig to the bottom of this possibly-agonizing essay, above the conclusion. -- The MC... He's someone who will kick a puppy, help it feel better, and then make a deduction on whether or not it can be used for a plan somehow. Han Xiao, the MC, isn't a geek who plans constantly or anything, but rather he will do what he wants when he wants, and act on his arrogant whims to grasp his goal. He's not nice. But he understands social connection. No spoilers or anything... but, he does have a warm heart - it's just... locked deep under an icy tundra, sealed within a separate plane found in the center of the planet's core, tucked away at the edge of the void (subtle reference for readers on that last bit; sometimes some alone time is what's needed)... Anyway, I digress, at times you may want to stop reading because he's mean. Don't - you will miss out on his character development - though small and subtle - and lose out on an incredible story. The MC won't change too much personality-wise - with his goals extremely on his focus - but you begin to see other sides of him, how he reacts to certain events, and how determined a simple man can be when given a chance to become great. Han Xiao is always looking ahead - and that's a trait I'm envious of. -- -- Story is fleshed out - this partially pertains to the point of the logic and system used in this novel. I can't speak enough about the sheer effort put into this book. Literally, I cannot fathom it. So much soul and thought was put into this that I feel like this is a genuine world of a boundless size. Everything has a reason and when the MC finds a hidden mission or something, or finds out certain secrets, you can't help but admire how much time was put into the story and how it's conveyed. All things which Han Xiao creates, improve, and to see each all the details I have no chance at comprehending laid out before me is... amazing. I will, however, put a point to keep in mind - a 'con', if you will. Later on, the size of certain things isn't always mentioned, leaving one to guess or estimate... Early-game, this may not be too important, but when the size being dealt with is the size of a planet, and a giant mechanic being is moving around, it can really distort one's vision of how a fight is going on. It's no spoiler to know that the fights escalate larger and larger - in fact, this is something you should look forward to. Though not all details are included, the quality of writing only rises with each passing chapter - and to make the quality remain and only increase despite progressing further towards more complex and intricate things is something extremely difficult to execute well. You can trust in this story to retain your captivated interest all the way to the end, you can be at ease knowing Han Xiao will always lighten and improve the mood even when incredibly powerful. -- -- Comedy... This is often done terribly. This is mostly bias, I entirely agree, however if you prefer mature comedy, executed in an articulate and eloquent manner, then you will enjoy this. Even if a chapter doesn't have heaps going on, you will laugh and love the chapter (especially as the story progresses later on). A very large part of why I was able to enjoy this book was because virtually every chapter was incredibly enjoyable. It's no secret that I'm severely depressed and deal with life quite terribly, but finding this story, in a very serious sense, gave me a reason to live as it actually made me happy. That's difficult to do. I love this book because it's one of the extremely few books which make me feel a will to live. Han Xiao may be mean, but he's playful and silly - it's impossible to defeat him in a battle of words. At some points it will be just too difficult to read because you're trying to hold back a smile from something utterly ridiculous, and not many stories can manage anything like that. I can assure you that as the story progresses, this comedy will only improve. -- -- Pacing! It. Is. Done Well. No such thing as perfect pacing, just a preference for different sorts, so I'll dip into that despite this being a fairly irrelevant topic. The pace is 'medium/moderate'. In my opinion, neither slow nor fast. I would often prefer something fast paced, but if the story is written well, I don't mind something slow. This is perfectly written and paced as a 'normal' speed, so I love it... More to read when it's like this. -- -- Lastly, the logic and system of things. Like I mentioned before, everything is fleshed out, and this includes how the logic of the world works and how the system does. It won't spew out an unfathomable amount of information onto the reader and it won't show too much - it shows enough, and it hands over tid-bits throughout the story of how things work - which I appreciate. How things work is... quite simple. It's like a game. However, when a game goes on for this many chapters... and, not to spoil or anything, but quite a few years pass... The system remains to elaborate and provide many details about various things. Near the end, it definitely does quieten down, but that's nothing to be sad about. How The Legendary Mechanic conveys the game information is in-depth, and makes you feel like everything is extremely realistic - this is something I love. -- Now, the rating. Translation Quality. It's good - about 4.5 stars. Some of the translators stopped at some point and someone else took over - at least, that's how I understand it. Even so, the quality remains phenomenal and far above average. I noticed some grammatical errors, however, so there definitely is a human as the translator... Stability of Updates... Well, the story is complete. Quickly at that, if you ask me. Five stars! Story Development. Best on the site, and quite incomparable to the vast majority of other stories rated at 4.8+stars. I'm startled that the review for this book isn't higher. Character Design... It could be 4 because I didn't like it where he hit a polar bear thing one time... but, it ended with a happy ending I won't spoil, so I forgive him. Five stars. Plus, he's an MC which has helped me smile more than any other MC from other stories on this site. World Background. Real. It's a whole world - no, a universe, fully detailed and conveyed here. There isn't much better than this - and if there was, their description would be dragged on and boorish. The pacing used here for the world background is perfect - nothing more needed. Perfect. In conclusion, this book is incredible. I can't recommend it enough and I would love to hear what others think about this book. I'm happy to answer any questions regarding the story and I hope everyone who reads this review considers giving this story a try. If you're unsure about a certain part, feel free to ask me about. Thanks, and stay safe <3
So, does the story take 100 chapters before it even starts to become readable? If so, that's just a terribly written story with some glitter thrown over it. I'm struggling to retain enough will to continue as I trudge through this mess. I'm looking for a decent story like The Legendary Mechanic and noticed some people referencing this book at the end. Hoping for something of that quality... Any help is appreciated.
Please tell me, does this book actually ever get decent? If 100 chapters need to progress before it's good, then it's just bad.
Truthfully, I haven't got around to reading it... but, I do intend to. I'm just busy... Sorry.
If you're unsure about starting the book, for one thing, don't trust the own Author's description of it! The MC is not a 'COLD MC'. They're stupid and idiotically kind. I went in only with the expectations they stated and see the polar opposite - as strong note to keep in mind, read below: If you are looking for a stupid and kind MC making absurd decisions, then this book is for you. I was looking for the opposite, so I'm just disappointed on all aspects. Writing is average at best. Story Development never showed much - but with how it's written, I can't rate it high. Character Design is non-existent in contrast to how the Author describes them, thus cannot be given any points. And World Background is just as plain as it can possibly become - money is the only motivation, so that probably says enough.
*Important to know!* The MC is not cold; wasted time giving this book a chance only to see a stupid and idiotically kind MC. If you can't even describe your MC properly, don't.
Respectable author capable of responding with level-headedness? Is this even webnovel, what's going on... Good on you. I'll give it a try even though it sounds like I'll dislike the book.
Hello, sure, I'll have a look at it when I have some time, and I'll post a review if I get through 20+ chapters.
Hundred percent agree. I tried giving the story a go... but a desperate, horny guy chasing after girls is such an annoying character to read about. I imagine the majority of the readers are just teenage boys.