The Passive Income System
After an unexpected accident, our protagonist finds themselves transmigrated into the body of Amane Fujimiya, the protagonist of The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten. With his new identity comes an equally unexpected twist—a Passive Income System that grants him financial resources, purchasable skills, and access to unique opportunities.
Amane's journey is as mundane as learning to cook and navigate social norms, yet as surreal as earning skills through quests. His new reality is further complicated by the stark differences between his memories of his old world and the vibrant, unpredictable lives of this meshed up universe.
Using the system perks and his own natural gifts, he navigates through life, making friends, doing what he wants (kinda), and enjoying his life.
Needless to say, that the image isn't mine. At least, I hope its clear ;-;
Zekt · Cómic