


My apologies, i seem to have ran out of 'Fucks' to give.

2019-07-16 Se unióUnited States

de lectura


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  • Sadarsa
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    Hyperspace... lightspeed is far too slow.

    Just as he finished the latter the shuttle reached a safe enough distance from Coruscant to make the jump to lightspeed.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    Doesn't look very beautiful to me.

    [Insert Image of Coruscant Here]
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    Well, there are only 4 ranks in the order and he's already gone through half of them.

    "I am sorry, but I am not allowed to tell you that either." Hologram Nomi replied.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    aww.. I figured it would have been Dooku's former apprentice. They're already friends and as a new Knight she's due a padawan.

    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    My guess is Dooku's former apprentice. err... what's her name.

    After he told me their names I instantly knew who too pick.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    I didn't think the Guardian, Counselor, and Sentinel, paths were a think in this era?

    But don't let his size fool you master Giiett is a master in lightsaber combat and a well trained Jedi Sentinel.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    Dangerous thoughts to have while standing in front of masters who read your thoughts like an open book.

    Which is all bullshit. And why I prefer the original version of the Jedi Code/Mantra.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    eh, it's not rare at all. Purple and Orange are rare, yellow was pretty common.

    Nothing that significant has occurred during this time. Except for the fact more people within the order have taken an interest in me on account of my gold-colored lightsaber. Since someone with a unique-colored lightsaber is rare within the current order.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
    respondió a Mors_UX

    and before that they used actual swords to channel the force through.

    After passing through the doorway we found ourselves in an ancient chamber. Filled with robed statues holding swords in their grasp. Which don't look like lightsabers, but the image does imply they are Jedi doing so.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    I always wondered how an iceball planet like Ilum even had a breathable atmosphere in the first place. There's no vegetation.

    The ramp of the Crucible lowering my clanmates and I were struck with frigid winds and extremely low temperatures from the planet Illum itself.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
    respondió a ErozothDraeor

    I don't think so, but even if he did it would obviously be a mistake.

    So she's now a Jedi Knight as I've said before.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    What's more though is most people assume that it only takes a few days to travel across the galaxy. But it's more like months. It took the fastest ship in the galaxy 3 days to travel from Tatooine to Alderaan. That was with a 0.5 rated hyperdrive. Your typical hyperdrive is rated at 3.0 making that trip something like 2-3 weeks.

    Since unlike what was shown in the Star Wars movies and television shows hyperspace travel isn't instaneous. Depending on how far your departure point and your intended destination is hyperspace travel between two points can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    Probably a good thing... can you imagine an even MORE powerful Vader?

    Yet no one thought to teach them to him.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    Right? I'm sure a lowly youngling will be present at the Council meeting and be able to "suggest" things to grand masters.

    Not only to inact the various plans I am creating to secure the galaxies future and fuck over Palpatine, but also so I can get involved in the upcoming Naboo Crisis and prevents Qui-Gon death.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
    Comentado por

    This isn't how foreshadowing is done.

    Little did I know that that meeting would lead to a long and fruitful relationship between Dooku and I.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    about halfway through this chapter all i started to hear was blah blah blah blah blah blah...

    Ch 5 Chapter 4: Academy Days Episode IV
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    bleh... this story is getting awfully preachy, and the MC is full of himself.

    The Jedi seem to keep forgetting there cannot be light without darkness. Their failure to understand this is what led to the first Geat Jedi Schism and creation of the Sith ages ago. A schism that has embroiled this galaxy in conflict after conflict for generations.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
    Comentado por

    That's not why they're "Dark", they're dark because they rely on utilizing intense emotions. Typically, anger.

    Because honestly, there are too many force powers classified as 'dark' simply because a majority of the time the Sith use them or create them.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    People keep bringing up Fay. Personally, I reject her existence. She was a one-off throwaway character in a comic book.

    I mean given the fact I am a Jedi, and barring anything too crazy, along with this galaxies level of medical technology, I should be able to live for two or three centuries without issue.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever
  • Sadarsa
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    I never really liked the whole Yuuzhan Vong story arc.

    Especially given the Yuuzhan Vong will arrive here in another 65 years.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Cómic · ArifuretaForever