Rebirth Of The Sage Among Magicians Even when possessing all the knowledge and wisdom there is, no one still believed The Sage when they needed to.
The Sage, who knew what will eventually happen took it upon himself to change the tragic fate that awaited everyone, but he didn't do it for the sake of others but for himself!
Indeed, he didn't become known as The Sage for his kindness towards others but for his greed and love for knowledge and wisdom!
Read and immerse yourself in this journey of a greedy knowledge seeker trying to save everything around him or is he?
I usually write until I use up everything my brain has to give me in one sitting. Although I am no English teacher, my grammar might only include some small mistakes since I do one proof even on my exam papers ?.
Anyway, nonetheless I can guarantee that my chapters will be consistent throughout the entire novel, but I'll need feedback on "If YOU reader like lots of minor chapters or one long one."
(Minor is basically chapter 1, about 800-1000 words, takes 2-3 hours to write If idea plan is ready and 10 minutes more to think of a suitable title. As for one long one it would be 5-20 times more longer, depends on how much I'm comfortable with word count per chapter, after all writing an entire volume in one chapter is no good.)
SoloQueen · Fantasía
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