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I've sped through 135 chapters in a day and I've got to say I'm disappointed, not a single lemon chapter brother, not a single one.
At this point its a medical issue
This isn't a joke if she has problems with being attracted to men just make naruto use his sexy jutsu while still having his thing and do it, believe me there isn't a single better man to be with if you get genderbend besides Naruto
This is... actually pretty good, the history isn't nonsensical, the grammar is coherent and the chapters aren't too small
My criticism is unhelpful and negative, hmnnnnn what did I say? O yeah something about the flow of a history and immersion. It's like you don't have a brain you know, trying to talk about something you don't understand, have no experience or expertise on, write for a decade and THEN try to teach me something ok? Go explode on someone that is a dormant enough to stay silent ok, not on me. The nerve of this bitch, first complaining about insulting back after that frankly pathetic first comment, then about writing and now this, grow up kid, the only place you win a discussion is in your mind.
Oh? Its because there are very VERY rare good fics here don't you know, like this one, could be better if the author did more work but it's still pretty good. There's: Meta essence Gatcha in Marvel (Incredible history, amazing grammar, consistensy all around) Danmachi -dephless hunger (Good grammar, no "the mc always wins/is aways right" believable fights) Avatar: a lost survivor on Pandora. (Perfect in almost everything) Marvel: The diamond Authority. (The author has a long way to go but he is very good) Do you know WHY this site is shit? Well partially is because of teenagers wanting a wish fulfilment fic of course but the real reason is people like you. People that just EXPLODE whenever a liiitle bit of criticism is thrown a smidge close to them, it's like you've never gone outside and talked to other people, live you've never gotten a bad day in your life. Just because I like something doesn't mean I can't try to make it better. And almost 10 years of writing fics has taught me a significant amount, personally I just wished most of my readers weren't like you, too afraid of upsetting me with criticism. I only really got some amount of it after I left this site, best decision I've ever made really. And I AM already talking to the author without any issues by the way he/she can actually take a hit and keep things cordial without exploding like you.
The fact etc etc, buddy you wrote, what? 5 answers to one comment because you are a keyboard warrior dedicated to protecting anyone and everyone from... Writing tips. I'm insulting you because you are a sensitive princess that can't handle critique that isn't even meant for you, so you are either 2 things, a Twitter keyboard warrior, or a fat ass that never left the basement. I'm not taking you seriously princess, use all of your 5 remaining neurons to get that kay?
No, no author I meant more as something related to the flow of your fic, for example when you are writing a history your objective is to put your reader's mind into it. Make them immerse themselves in the words and let their imagination fill everything, even the voices of the characters, you want to make us forget we are reading something fictional and just enjoy the history. The flow in turn is one of the most important things in a history, you have to make everything seem as natural as possible and with no errors or simply with such insignificant ones that we don't even notice it. That's why as people say it "Show don't tell" because as readers we ARE interested in seeing everything, every interaction, fight or just a little thing that shows 'Wait those people really are human, there's a world right here' if you let me show it to you I could edit a copy of a future chapter, just send it to me in private on Spacebattles, my name is Kryptoniansteel there
Ahhh, did you use all your neurons to write that response? it's ok lil sensitive people like you can't think of much after being confronted with logic, it's why 99% of every fic on this site is shit, you all can't handle being told anything negative, the funniest thing is... you aren't even the author[img=Shocked] But it's ok you being illiterate and incapable of growing isn't your fault, it's your parents