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That list is pretty accurate, except maybe the pagan gods because for them, it will depend on each god and how much power of faith it has. As for the leviathans, I have not thought yet about their backstory, but they will probably be on par with Eve.
Well the show of Supernatural starts in 2005 and so far we are technically aroud year 2000, before the show started.I put in some things early, that appear in later seasons, like the mark and the blade of Cain, the men of letters ... there will be another time skip soon, so we will catch up with the timeline of the show
I was thinking of adding Malia the coyote to the harem. But I'm still debating the whole adding teen wolf to this because I honestly remember next to nothing about the show from when I watched it years ago. If I decide in the end to put teen wolf in, I'll probably just have the MC find Malia in her coyote form first.And mention a few other important characters from teen wolf in the future but briefly, and they won't impact the story mutch ... so we will see how that goes 🤷♂️
Honestly, I don't want to add Hope to the harem, She will still be in here but the MC is going to be paired with two of her aunts Rebekah and Freya and he will watch her grow up, so he will not see her as a possible love interest because that would be kinda creepy in my opinion. It will not be like with the others because they were already grown women when he met them.
I try to post at least one ch a day ... but I might miss some ... I immediately post every chapter I write so I don't have a backup in case I am busy on a particular day ..
The Supernatural show is centered around the two brothers Dean and Sam Winchester, so the MC is an OC. You should still be able tu understand this fic because I tried so far to put in the background with a bit a twist on things( you probably won't know what I did different because you don't know the original lore 😂). But obviously you will miss some things if you didn't watch the show. I really want you to read what I wrote so far and give me an honest review because I am really curious how the fic is for someone who didn't watch Supernatural, and if I need to put in more backstory.
Simple, because I didn't watch legacies, there will be some mention of baby Hope probably... but adult Hope not so much
Rowena was able to make herself immortal in the show through magic ... do you really think that Will not find a way to make all of those he cares about live longer or forever, there are so many options in the show to prolong life and I can't even remember most of them.