

2019-04-23 Se unióGlobal

de lectura


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  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    respondió a Cory_Travis

    And being just short is fine, having to read about a 13 year old little boy flirt is not.

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    respondió a ShadowScribe

    I'd expect the character to be lusty on his own, instead of needing a trait to artificially make him lusty.

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    Publicado por

    I honestly really wanted to like this, but I swear every single female character basically throws themselves at him. Like everyone. It's insane.

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    Publicado por

    I really want to read this, but the grammar is just on this side of readable. You can't really go two paragraphs without a very obvious grammar error. Something that I find isn't too uncommon with this website. Like I love reading stories where the MC has a cheat, and it's always interesting, but only if you can find one where the grammar is passable.

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    Publicado por

    So many HAHAHA's... just like seriously. 85 HAHAHA's in the first third of the story. Like the inner dialog isn't bad, but once he started talking... MC: That's great HAHAHA other: I know HAHAHA MC: HAHAHAHA other: Your amusing mortal HAHAHA

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    Publicado por

    I left a review before complaining about insanely short chapters ruining the story, like seriously, one of the chapters is 600 words long... But honestly as I got past the 50 chapter mark, chapters seemed to get longer. My problem with most novels on this website is that it almost never feels like the author is fluent in English... Making it unreadable for people with standards for grammar... This story doesn't have that problem.. So uh, pretty good? Not super amazing, but if you want to read a Gamer story, that has The Walking Dead then this is for you, you just need to deal with short chapters early on, my worry about chapter length before was that I'd log on and read the new chapter for two minutes and that was it... But they've gotten longer and I don't really see that being an issue anymore.

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    respondió a TheAntiAkumar

    Like I just checked a chapter I read, 600 words...

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    respondió a AkiraLight

    Don't listen to this review? I have no clue what the guy is even trying to say.. No plot, then just like 50 whys... The quality of this review should be evident enough.

  • TheAntiAkumar
    TheAntiAkumar3 years ago
    Publicado por

    I've yet to get too far into this story, and I have no clue whether or not I will get much farther into this story, because the grammar is horrible.. Like I can handle the non-capitalization and extra punctuation like "!!!!!", but what I can't handle is the spelling mistakes like Fallowed, awaken instead of awakened, Bell instead of Bell's, fallowed after the man. They walked trough... TROUGH? I was reading this as I was typing the review and when I hit that line I had to close the book... Because no matter how good the story might MIGHT end up being, if the author consistently misspells that many words in a single sentence I just can't keep reading it.