

2019-04-18 Se unióGlobal



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Geo-Gene Structure

-No this is a not super Gene story. -No everyone in this mug is not OP because of their genes.(Well maybe some if they have good ones) -No there is no gene splicing, cause we ain’t bout to dive into that. -No there is no magical magic fairy Gene that appears and changes the world. *.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.* The phrase Geo Gene emerged once again but not as a scientific breakthrough but as an escape to an Fantasy driven world allowing players to Dive in and experience their own adventure crafted by their own choices while entangled with other player’s choices and there actions to towards the world and its inhabitants. Dominic Kiado grew up a mix breed as most in his era,With parents missing swept away by the freezing of yesteryear all that's left for the young 20yr old with a hunger for survival and trying to carve a place for himself in the cold tundra would finally reach his grasp after a year of underhanded works and blood,sweat to build his own Geo Sphere out of second head parts it was time to change his future.. *.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.**.* - This is a Fantasy Story with sum biology in it(A VERY LOOSE ON THAT BIOLOGY PART) -I’m not the best writer so this is not going to be a work of art. -This is not a stats novel and at times (cause i’m calling it) There will be a few number mistakes, so yeah do with that what you will.. -If you can’t handle that then Thank you for reading so far appreciate the slight interest. -But if you still here then lets go for a RIDE..

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