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Also a big recomendation, in Invincible's universe there is a hero name tech jacket, he has a super suit created by the snarteat apecies in that universe, the suit basically has a 100x power up for everyone who use it, so strong even a normal human teenager was able to kill an evil variant of invincible alone. Mc should steal and improve those suits in order to create others for his friends More importantly the suit can permanently bond with the user and it makes the user inmortal. Zach thompson was seen after 500 years timeskip alive and in his peak, the suit let him age until his prime and directly stops him from aging. You can still be killed but its free eternal youth with a x100 power combo. But yeah in general that universe is fun. Mc is simply too broken due to the nature of his powers and his overall stats. He is like a viltrumite with extra powers that make him untouchable
Epic chapter as always love the development and yes i alao noticed how similar this battle was to mark and conquest fights. As for the leviatan i actually like it, played the game and love the gargantua mother and their childs so cant wait to see mc have his new OP monster pet. If i remember it would be 3 pets with this right? As for the invincible world? Ehh not a bad choice tbh, idk how is mc compared to viltrumites fisically, but km pretty sure mcs magic, spiritual attacks, hell even his rehular phantom phase skill is able to one shot viltrumites. Mc doesnt even has to worry about being catch off guard by a viltrumite, after all mc has super regeneration able to survive as long as there is one cell of his body. It doesnt matter how strong is a viltrumite they are not saiyans, they dont have energy attacks to completely desttoy mcs cells, which is already hard yo do for the people that has energy attack powers Mc is pretty much inmortal in the invincible universe unless he is shot by phantom racers gun, that is able to one shot viltrumites.
Loving this so much, keep the good work man 😆
Both are equally bad, thing is that its more arrogant and kinda hypocryte to directly ask your harem to accept other girls while you wont let them have other man. Dont get me wrong i never said both of them were morally correct so dont put words in my mouth so you can be "right" about your argument. I simply said i think the harem is more selfish or arrogant because you think you can be with more girls without letting them cheat on you. My argument was that tho cheating is equally bad as the harem, at least its more logical. Never said it is less morally incorrect, just that its more logical and fits with authors plan. At the end both are bad tho i agree that its better if you can have a harem where girls know eachothers and agree with it. That doednt change the fact its more arrogant than hiding it, but at least you are honest, of course if you can manage to avoid getting NTRed which is not logical to expect in this case
Poor jared xd manndoesnt seem to catch a break
Yes, also i have an Idea for mc's explanation of his powers, he can say he got in a accident that almost killed him but insteas of dying he found himself in the "inmaterium" and was transformed in this place and got his powers, after that he land alone close to beach city and the rest is history The accident can be anything, perhaps make it look like a spiderman thkng, mc was in a tour in a famous lab for a leader company, he was seeing a particule accelerator or a prototype portal and accidentally was suck in the portal when something went wrong. Then he got in the " inmaterium" and was bombarded by psychic energy transforming him, explain them how the inmaterium work, so they can somehow understand why his powers are so weird. Of course this is only an idea and in case mc needs to explain to Greg or Nora
Yes, also i have an Idea for mc's explanation of his powers, he can say he got in a accident that almost killed him but insteas of dying he found himself in the "inmaterium" and was transformed in this place and got his powers, after that he land alone close to beach city and the rest is history The accident can be anything, perhaps make it look like a spiderman thkng, mc was in a tour in a famous lab for a leader company, he was seeing a particule accelerator or a prototype portal and accidentally was suck in the portal when something went wrong. Then he got in the " inmaterium" and was bombarded by psychic energy transforming him, explain them how the inmaterium work, so they can somehow understand why his powers are so weird. Of course this is only an idea and in case mc needs to explain to Greg or Nora
Pearlshipping forever :v thx for the chap
Sorry to come this late i was busy at work i finally have time to read. As for the chapter FINALLY!! I was waiting for this greg POV man and damn im so surprised bro, tho not that much now that i think about it, the fact that he has a teenager daugther that is the vivid picture of his dead wife will do this changes. The fact that steven is a boy and a kid might be the reason he was so relaxed in the series, not because he is more careless but mainly because im sure he figured out the gems will be more protective of steven as a kid instead of seeing Nora as their new Rose. Which might lead to not be as protective as they were with steven, also im sure greg only wanted steven to grow stronger and became a greater man than him. Instead of girl identical to his wife, as man we know how overprotective we can be with the women of our family specially our daugthers. So while i dont think he is going to be like pearl, im sure he will probably test mc subtly, probably not trusting him ebtirely until mc tell him the "truth" about how he get transported to this world and how he got his powers. After that he will rpobably treat him as the son (cough steven cough)he never had, mainly because he knows mc can and will protect his daugther
Better not do that, you can later maie a novel harem or make a teen titan fangic with raven as main love interest if you would like that. But here i think its better if you just focus on six as you originallly planned. Harem novels are better when readers already know they are harem novels and are wrote that way since the beggining