To survive is to find a meaning in suffering.
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Useless info dump. First 20 chapters are mostly systems talking, showing skills and df he doesn't even choose in detail. Plot? What plot? The author himself admitted he have no idea what he is writing.
Besides, you're assuming that normal people would just bring gun everywhere they go. Which I guarantee you that isn't the case. And just because someone bring a gun, doesn't mean they are willing or ready to get into a gun fight. Most ordinary people would choose to flee if they could instead of getting into shooting match. That just common sense. Unless if you're police/military or the kind of guy that spend his weekend on firing range.
Say that to school children, they would be glad to be able to bring their own gun to defend themselves in annual firing season at school. US regulations about 'riffle' is a joke. That's not counting illegal channels and surprisingly stupid parents that have guns lying around so their children can bypass the hurdle of regulation in the first place. And yep, not perfect world indeed. But arming more people isn't the answer imo.
Yes, I didn't say the crime using other weapons are lower, what Im trying to say is, No strict gun law just make it easier to get gun for psycho whose going nuts. And If I have to choose between fighting or escaping a man with a knife and a kid with uzi, I chose a man with a knife every single time. Unless if you live in America I guess, where the 'good guy' also brings gun. But that didn't seem to work, considering the amount of gun related massacre happening there every years.
I told you already, she is deus ex macina
She is called deus ex machina.
Swordswaller, because the dragon prone to burn sword or any pointy stick, because he has a trauma of pointy stick stuck inside of him.
Make it extra spicy by creating new side, and choose pink or rainbow as color that represent them :v
Which thread? Oh sorry, can't read it because you just keep deleting anything that have even the slightest hint that disagree with you. And, hey don't need to attack me like that. That really my little feelings XD and welcome to internet, you free to post your story, I free to read it and critique it. Or you can free to quit writing if you can't handle criticism? And I to learn write my own story mayhap? Lol
Swarthy, that not the phrase you're using on your argument before. You're making questions about how could he possibly smuggling weapon through airport security, which then lead to my statement, how stupid it is, that a hydra agent can't smuggle a weapon through airport security. If the mc is smart enough to kill a hydra grunt that was sent to watch him in Korea, and get away with it, without any repercussions from hydra. Then how he can't smuggle a gun through a freaking airport security? And from whom exactly are you trying to hide this SECRET assignment from exactly? Hydra? Congratulations, he failed spectacularly. Shield? Hydra is under their nose and they don't know anything about it.