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I knew it... He was gonna do it
Bro... are you gonna create a Eldritch being?
5 million
1K = 1.000, 1W= 10.000.
No tire, no fear, no hunger.
It's like that one from Hogwarts Legacy. Interesting.
No, Enel "Mantra" was special, even among observation Haki. That was purely bullshit. By manipulating electric currents, he could know everything in the Sky Island. Of course, his mastery of Observation Haki was poor as f, but together with the fruit it was op as fuxk.
He is. Remember when he blocked Ichigo with 1 finger? Ichigo already had captain class reiatsu there, stronger than Byakuya. So, yeah, he has more.
Menos Grande is the class, Adjuchas is a subclass. A Gillian is a Menos Grande, a Vasto Lorde too is a Menos Grande. So, he's right.