


I like reading.

2019-01-27 Se unióUnited States



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  • KeCha
    respondió a chanduy

    He’s portrayed as a very unrealistic or a better word idealistic male lead like literally every other book on Webnovel. He’s Like the most powerful person in the whole book and the female lead is lucky to be in the Mo family. The male lead is cold, ruthless and loyal. It’s almost like authors think male leads would fall for someone like picking cabbages from a market. As if me or you could randomly catch the eye of the most powerful person and be spoiled silly by them. That’s How unrealistic it is.

    Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities
    Ciudad · The Emperess
  • KeCha
    Comentado por

    Shocked to your bones... just leave girl. Mind your own business.

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Hellbound With You
    Fantasía · KazzenlX
  • KeCha
    Publicado por

    From someone who read up to chapter 335. Translation Quality: 4 It’s pretty good. Not much to say there. Little to no error. Updating Stability: 5 From the about section, it seems it’s fast and consistent. Story Development: 3 There’s not much hype or action you could say going on. It’s more sweet than anything(Ex. Son and mother). And it progresses too slow. Several chapters could make up 1 day in that settings which is what I mean by slow. I also don’t agree with some of the things the author consistently tries to build(ex. Her reputation). Character Design: 2 It’s unrealistic. The author consistently talks about her 10 years of experience in her past life and how she graduated at 16 to indicate how smart she is. Something that big like 10 years of war experience needs to give some background info and examples to make the readers more understanding. You can’t simply add it in like it’s a small detail when you’re making that a huge part of her ability. Plus, graduating at 16 does not say enough about her ability. There’s a difference between book smart and world smart. The male lead is also depcited extremely unrealistically. It’s not how emotions work. In the story, it’s basically about a Father and son duo vying for the mother’s attention. As if it’s worth anything. I also don’t like how the author depicted the female leads back story. Her father died and was “forcibly” detained to the Mo family(one of the strongest family) only for the readers to find out that she was pampered and spoiled by everyone. Right, she is so pitiful. Wow. I’m mindblown. I know this sounds cruel because she father died but I honestly feel like she went from a good place(father) to a better place(Mo family). Why? because without her living in the Mo family, she would never attract the male lead. And let me tell you. She was one of his millions of crazy girl fans. There simply wouldn’t be an encounter. Male lead falls in Love When they were living together. To be honest, I don’t find the female lead worthy of the male lead at all. The setting of the hospital which is all made up and untrue as there is no thoractic department and such and the author’s exaggeration of how busy she is and her skills does not help. The author made it seem like she suffered a lot and labeled the male lead as the villian who does nothing but pamper her. Relationships is not solely one person. I find her equally at fault constrasting the author’s viewpoint.

    Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities
    Ciudad · The Emperess
  • KeCha
    respondió a BatouOfNexus

    Its stealing. Stealing is stealing, you can’t justify a crime. She could have given the original authors name and tagging it to a made up person they met along the way. Just because they don’t exist in the world doesn’t make it okay to say it’s “my story”. It comes down to One’s integrity.

    After receiving her coins, Li Shi Ying excuse herself and went to another room. She began to tell a story like "The three musketeer", "Lupin", " Sherlock Holmes", "Robin Hood", "Superman", " Ironman", and so many else.
    The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator
    Fantasía · Zehell2218
  • KeCha
    respondió a gg_gg_7901


    See, You Are In A Different World
    Ciudad · Pine_Pro
  • KeCha
    respondió a Atlantys

    Lol what linear are you talking about? It’s been a horizontal straight line from start to now. ehmm.

    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasía · godadi
  • KeCha
    respondió a gg_gg_7901

    I’m honestly surprised that someone actually agrees with me. Reading through the comments really made me believe that I was the only one who thought this way. ... And I’m questioning humanity seeing how loved this novel has become. Really, no hate. I just don’t see how anyone can love the mc’s character. Just how is a brat lovable?

    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasía · godadi
  • KeCha
    respondió a gg_gg_7901

    Right, I get this feeling that the author wants the best of both worlds by giving her a really sad pitiful past but with a overly cherry naughty girl attitude that most readers seem to enjoy. But honestly, it’s like mixing oil and water, no matter how much you mix, it won’t mix because it’s not compatible. Her past and her attitude now does not make sense at all. It would’ve been more believable if she died choking on chips while lazing around watching tv lol.

    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasía · godadi
  • KeCha
    Publicado por

    I haven’t read too deeply into the novel yet but from the several chapters I’ve already read, I will say it’s not bad. However, as of now, I won’t be continuing and will lay this novel aside as there are too many grammatical errors and sentences honestly just don’t flow. You get what the characters are saying but with improper grammar, it makes the interactions between characters all the more childish. I highly suggest the author to get a editor if english is not his or her first language or just re-read the chapters if it’s just due to carelessness. Go for the first option though as at least half of each chapters don’t flow right.

    Her Husband is My Lover
    Ciudad · PayalSinghRajput
  • KeCha
    Publicado por

    I don’t oftenly write reviews and I didn’t plan on writing this either but I just want to let you know and put it out there that I like this story and would hope you continue to update consistently and more frequently if possible. I thought you might need some encouragement for this book knowing you have other books as well. I think a lot of people who are still reading up to this book would be immensely happy if you update more frequently.

    Elementalist: Time Controllers
    Fantasía · VorstinStory
  • KeCha
    Publicado por

    There are some key factors that i like and dislike about this book. 1) i like the transmigration from future to past. 2) i like how she’s already married with a kid. Plus the interaction from father to child. I guess that’s just the plot. 1) I don’t like how this story is written in first point of view. I guess that’s just preference. It’s a little weird for a story because there’s a clear distinction between reader and character. For example, if a scene was acted out with the protagonist laughing, we as the viewer literally see that. In a story format in first point of view, the reader will be reading “I laughed”. I find that very off putting because i didn’t laugh. I don’t know if you get what i mean. I think third point of view(he/she/(name)/they) will be a better option. 2) Grammar and coherence. Some sentences can be structured more fluently so it can flow better.

    Redeeming The Golden Ticket To Life
    Ciudad · sagorika_adhikari
  • KeCha
    Comentado por

    What do you mean alive? Didn’t she want to suicide?

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • KeCha
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    I personally don’t think suicide is the way out. You’re giving in. So she didn’t survive anything.

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • KeCha
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    “seduce women and get their backing” lol how pathetic can this crown prince get?

    The Crown Prince was quite a stupid person as well. He never tried to make himself better, he just wanted to use his appearance to seduce women and get their backing.
    Forsaken Immortals
    Fantasía · Tinalynge
  • KeCha
    Publicado por

    From someone who read it. WRiting Quality: Decent. not the best but its good enough that you can understand the point being conveyed. 3/5 Story Development: its alright. I like how she wenT to the foxes home but I didn’t really like the first arc where she Followed the ml home. it was borinG and very Very long. I like how The mc was reborn a fox, Very very unique and also the reason i started readinG. 4/5 Character DesIgn: I really really Do not like Tang Li Xue for Various reasons. in the beGining, she is just a girl in a hosPital bed for her whole life then she dies and she suddenly has a uncontrollable ego and very is Very hAughty. She continUes to be haughty even thOugh she is just a weakLing. she reminds me of a kid who doesn’t know how high the sky is. really annoying especially when shes in her 20s. Another part, she is overly reliant on her peTs. Honestly, She has to be by far the worst mc ive read on wn and ive read A LOT. 1/5 World Background: Its pretty Average. but i Like cultivation based novels so ill give it 4/5 might be 3.5/5 If the author doesn’t conTinue to grow it. now there is not much To say about it as The author barely revealed anything. 4/5 Total: a pretty solid 3/5 I apologize for The capitalization where it’s not Meant to be. Typing on The phone is hard.

    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasía · godadi
  • KeCha
    respondió a Rouss_0916

    I feel like she has a Gigantic ego from the very beginning to even after the first arc. ive read it. Thats the main thing that bothers me. She went from a human being who is sTuck on a hosPital bed which the author described “Pity me” vibe to this huge ego after being reborn as a weak fox. Makes no sense. Thats the other thing that bothers me. You can’t have the better Of both woRlds. shes weak from chapter 1 to the current chapter. I agRee that The pacing is gOod.

    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasía · godadi
  • KeCha
    respondió a littleemerald

    Its alright to use it but not right to depend on it. Throughout the whole story, it was either “yaya” Or “blue flame”. And also, although they assimilated, blue flame, like yaya have a conscious of their own. If a person is always fighting for someone else, It’s obvious they’ll complain. This doesn’t happen because the author chose for It not to happen. So everyone just thinks its alright since blue flame or yaya seems to “love”(sarcasm) to fight for TLX

    Ch 128 Chapter 128: Sneaking In!
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasía · godadi