


love to read and travel to new places by book

2019-01-21 JoinedGlobal



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Choice of fate

This is a story told by the two main characters. Eli and Max. With power come responsiblity and what path in life would your Choices lead you. [Eli]I just turned 24 and was still on the run. When will my life allow me a normal life. When I turned 16 years old, I got powers that allowed me to see the truth of who is good and bad by reading their life force. I can also control people actions. "What's your name son?" The man asked. I burn with furry why can he not leave me alone. "I'm not your son. Please leave me alone." I try to make myself clear. "Please tell me your name and finish your meal." The man says. [Max]I am Maximum and I am the ruler of the Pawā Nation. I had been told that a powerful person that could help bring this nation back to peace and glory would soon be in this area. For the past few days I walk into the local Cafe to wait. As I enter I accidentally bumped a young man. My mind goes blank as my heart start beating faster. How can this boy make me feel this weak. All I wants to do is to pull the boy to me and protect him. 'trust in love for he will be' Everything is not as it seems. The mysterys of heaven and hell will be tested. When a young boys nightmare turns to a young womans dream can love be saved from deaths door. 'The thunder crashed threw the sky. I look around I can hear a child crying and as I surch the crying becomes louder and louder. I run and run but never come close. Then a hand grabs me and pulls me away. I now can see the child laughing as I am dragged away. 'I will never let you save them, you are mine' A voice cries out and I try to pull away. I am screaming but no one comes' Please enjoy the story. And know I write for fun so sorry if the grammar and spelling my not be correct it is still a story to get lost in. It is a short story with less then thirty chapters so enjoy as your waiting for updates on your other stories. Volume 2: As an Oracle that is still learning she must find away to save her king, his country and her own life. I was standing in a field like place but it was different in some ways. I could hear the sounds of dogs. My heart beat picks up and I feel as if I need to run to escape what is coming. I can smell heather and as I try to run the ground is not solid but mushy. I move as fast as I can hearing the dogs coming closer. Then the man with the scar appears before me. He glared at me and I could feel the murderous spirit. 'You have no right to interfere' he says. I try to run again and hit a wall of a man. I look up to see Michael and he wraps his arms around me. Then a shot rings and pain hits me. I look down and see blood pouring from my chest as I drop to the ground. Can Cindy find the right path that will let her live or is she destined to die in a foreign country. Volume 3: 28 years after the first story takes place and a young Ax with the power of his birth mother to make men do his will, he must learn patience to win the heart of his true love. He his the Commander of a prison castle and he finds a thief that stirs his heart. Warning:This volume is a BL story.

IleneMae · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
88 Chs

Little Red Riding Hood, A modern day tale.

Everyone knows the story of little red riding hood but what if she lived in modern times and the Big bad wolf was after her for more than her basket of goodies. ......... Lillian was a kind and caring woman. She spent her time helping the homeless and caring for the elderly. Her bright green eyes and flaming red hair made her look like a beautiful fairy. She was four foot four and a very petite woman. ......... Breathtaking isn't it?" She was startled and jumped at the deep sound of a man's voice. She turned around to look into the deep dark cold eyes of a man she never thought she would ever see again. Jake, her knight from high school. Here in the flesh. She thought back wasn't his name Smith back then. "Mr. Wolf?" .......... Lillian had a great dream. She was lost in a forest and a big handsome wolf found her and help her find her way to her granny's house. 'Red, trust in you wolf and you will never be lonely again' her granny said. 'But Nana he is a wolf they are untrustworthy.' She said. 'Red my dear a wolf mates for life so trust' ....... "Could not leave with a kiss?" Then he seen her face and froze. "Is everything alright?" "Your fiancee called you need to meet her and your parents at your place at twelve thirty. Don't be late." She turned and walked away. "Shit" He followed her out. "Lillian stop please." She walked over and grabbed Toby's leash and pushed the button. Toby jummped off the couch one more time and went to her. She reached down and clicked it on. "Lillian let me explain." The doors opened and she went down. He just stood there and watched the doors close. .......... "My Mr. Wolf what big eyes you have." She said smiling at him. "The better to see you with my dear." And with that said he bent down and kissed her. ........

IleneMae · General
78 Chs