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Why do MCs always go borrowing trouble by making 'a bet' or some grand statement??? Like here, she could've just healed the old man in peace with nobody the wiser, yet she had to announce it to their enemies who will no doubt try to sabotage the treatment.. like why do authors write that MCs are geniuses and then make them do something so stupid???? Aaagh -.-
Yay finally a chapter! Thanks!
Seriously? No chapter AGAIN??? Can you please be serious about translations? If you have some difficulties, the polite thing is to drop a comment and inform your readers as to when to expect next chapter; disappearing is just plain rude
Seriously??? No chapter AGAIN?
Anybody knows what's with the lack of regular updates?
I really don't get how authors portray these geniuses as cool/aloof/blunt/decisive/arrogant/cold but in the end they just come of as rude people without any sense of propriety. They talk as if everybody is beneath them and have no concept of 'please', 'thank you' etc. She could've said "thank you, but at this point I have no intention to join your group' or smth similar instead of burning bridges with arrogant and impolite "I refuse".. so much for aristocratic upbringing
Too bad that there are no chapters again -.-
Really? TWO coins worth a chapter? I mean REALLY?
ZY has heart problems, shocking him with that new device could prove fatal ... how come these 2 siblings don't know that??? -.-
Since when can't racers drive their own cars? Are there really such competitions where rules are being made on the fly? o.O