


I like to read alot.

2018-12-16 Se unióGlobal

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  • mikale7frankle8
    respondió a DrAssassin17

    true, I just get easily frustrated with people who don't appreciate the help they're getting.

    "Zane! What have you done!?! You murderer! How could you!?! How could you kill my parents like that?"
    Dead Man Walking: Living By Day, Dead By Night
    Ciudad · Zentmeister
  • mikale7frankle8
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    What until she finds out about the divide and their automatic nuclear warhead production and launch systems. lol Or if she finds out about the Serra Madre, Big MT, or the space laser in Helios 1. I can't wait for more chapters and we haven't even seen the lone wanderer come out of the vault yet!!

    Well, that was a bit more confrontational than she had hoped, but it still wasn't going to be a total war on each side, at least not yet. Also, what the hell was that bear in the woods idiom about?
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    ah, a way to communicate so the evil god ruling your world wouldn't be suspicious perhaps?

    "They're weird. They all have some kind of affinity or emotional connection to all of the rest. I don't think they're telepathic, but I really wouldn't know if they were, but I got the impression they can communicate with each other through emotions and concepts," Gary said after he stepped into her office from where he was concealed, hiding in her private bathroom.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
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  • mikale7frankle8
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    I Don't think it's smart to be going into the home of someone who the mc admitted is smarter than her. the guy might try to steal her body for crying out loud!

    She then got up and walked into the back, and stepped inside her own Power Armour, blinking a little as it connected to her data port and rendered the outside world in her vision. This was her MkII armour, with integrated plasma and laser weapons. She wanted to include a shoulder-mounted guided mini-missile launcher, but it made it just too big to go into almost any building. As it was, she would probably be hunching a bit to go into the Vault.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
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  • mikale7frankle8
    respondió a Vyktor

    he probably used that ego transfer tech to copy their personality and made intelligent AI/NPC's. Don't think anyone is actually alive in that vault, at least according to the Mc's definition of what a living person is....... after so much time though, i wonder if the copies/vault residents would have developed into full sentience after everything they have been through....

    Leaving a genius with a grudge against you and only time on their hands alive? That seemed stupid in the extreme. Lily didn't believe he didn't have access to the real world at all. She would have built some kind of virtual override so that she could control one of the robots in Vault 112 if she was him, anyway.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    recruit more people! there has been a huge influx of people, jobless and in need of caps. if it's a matter of trust then install some type of inhibitor chip so you can monitor them so if they do betray you...... well, put in whatever failsafe you want. lol. as long as they agree to it and it's not deadly, i think a lot of people would go for that deal.

    The increase in the raider population in the Capital Wast was stark, though. They weren't to the point where they were organized enough to attack Megaton or even Rivet City itself, but they were a danger to anyone that travelled the roads away from well-protected settlements. She had been pushing out her patrols a little bit, going as far as the Potomac river bridge to the north and about halfway to Fairfax to the south, but she didn't have enough manpower to actually make them regular.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    ..... something tells me that there are more than enough mirelurks in the ocean that it won't cause a problem if you kill a few thousand...... hell, I Think most wastelanders would be ecstatic to have to deal with less mirelurks. lol

    On the plus side, if she ever had to use one of the prototypes she built, the explosion would be very ecologically friendly, at least as much as fission-powered nuclear bombs could be anyway. Right now, the devices were ready, with the quantum forcefields already activated and a small pellet of fissionable plutonium fuel aimed at one side of the force field, ready to be violently accelerated inside it. She was considering throwing one into the ocean to test it, but wouldn't that be a bit hard on the aquatic wildlife?
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
    respondió a Hazerithious
    The Apprentice jumped out of the first Vertibird, in her pink Power Armour, waving... a stub where her hand should have been?! The girl yelled, "Dr St. Claire! I killed a Deathclaw!"
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
    respondió a SpiraSpira

    power armour with smoke/sleep gas machines on the shoulders. lol

    "I'm not sure we have sufficient forces, ma'am, with squads six and seven not expected back for several days and with the responsibilities we have back home. We wouldn't be able to take much more than we did today," Wilson offered, a little unsure.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    ....... or if you were, let's say, a brain in a jar with some eyes........

    There was an option for a large, kilometre cubed, undetectable hammerspace. That would have been... so very, very useful, and it was only listed as a Grade B perk. Another was listed as giving one immunity to all diseases, biological immortality and a small regeneration factor. That was grade A. The only grade S or above perk she recalled was one called "Psyker Paragon", which would have given her both telepathic and telekinetic powers, even if such powers did not exist in whatever universe she found herself in, and even if she was a robot, she would be a psychic robot even if that did not make any sense whatsoever.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    lol! Mc forgot about Paradise falls. lol should have blown it up with a MIRV Miny nuke launcher. lol

    They were being attacked by a group of raiders, about thirty strong, which outnumbered them slightly. However, Spider Company had the advantage of having a team of five Kaytrons supporting them as well. Lily ran to her room upstairs, while sending a transmission only to the three squad leaders, using her text-to-speech function, "Squad leaders, zhis is zhe Commander. Prioritise zhe defence of the non-combatants, use zhe vehicle for cover and sacrifice zhe robots if necessary. Squads two and five are being rousted as a quick reaction force, but ETA is one zero mikes."
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
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  • mikale7frankle8
    Comentado por

    failed barter check. Mc is gonna make the machines they have to use to make the concrete. she should get a cut of the profits IF they're not gonna use her materials. although, i Understand she doesn't want to f*** up the economy but still, she can get something from them.

    Lily nodded. She might need to set up a second heavy-duty recycler. Their power station had the capability of producing twenty megawatts of power now, which was a lot more than anyone was using. Plus, she wanted to use Madison Li's plans to build an actual commercial fusion power station somewhere in the future.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    Why am i hearing this in Joshua Graham voices?

    The man chuckled good-naturedly, "That has been translated poorly. The Ten Commandments were written in Hebrew, after all, and a better translation would be Thou Shalt Not Murder. After all, there are many other places in the Old Testament where killing is mandated." He then nodded, "You're partly right, though. Nobody should enjoy killing, taking another's life. That's the way to damnation. However, if it is done for a righteous cause, it becomes a necessary vocation, like pulling weeds from your garden. When done right, the work ensures the safety of God's people and instils the fear of His just wrath in the hearts of the unrepentant."
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
    respondió a SpiraSpira

    In fallout 3, the Antagonizer's real name is Tanya Christoff. If you go this route (and i really hope you do cause it would be awesome 💯), be sure Alice tells Lily that she was using a fake name but she prefer it so they keep her as Alice...... or one of Alice's siblings could be Taylor.......

    She wasn't upset with her, it was more like she liked sharing some of her interests with the Apprentice, "Zhey just want to live their lives in their home and not be bothered too much, yes? Also, females can choose whether or not to inject venom. And venom is very precious to a spider. Zhey probably won't use it unless you try to squish zhem. Zhat was just a warning bite from zhe little one."
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    Unless you're heading to Appalachia, I Think the only seed vault in fallout is in new Vegas.....

    He nodded in understanding then, "Ah, I had heard about similar projects. Honestly, I have heard about similar projects here in America. I will look them up; there very well might be a government vault like that somewhere nearby on the east coast."
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    butter?!..... actually, makes sense. Brahmin can be milked after all ....

    [NANNY-45A9F: Oh, yes! Scott loves them! He says they taste a lot like lobster, if that helps you at all. We brought a bunch of butter just for this very reason! I wish I could taste them myself!]
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    That's right, she hasn't upgraded her muscles yet.... wonder if she can grow some muscles and dose them in fev? probably won't make muscles that fit unless they're condensed.... requires some experiments.

    She quickly shot it in its head, kicked off its now weakly spasming mandibles and hopped backwards. She subvocalized a quick command, 'Command, Set Pain level to 10%.' Feeling the sudden relief from the pain was quite nice, so she kept firing at a number of ant warriors, very glad that the swarming had started to slow down after a long minute and a half of murdering ants.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    The discussion of why caps are used in the wasteland is always an interesting one. what i mean that there were multiple place or events in fallout that led to caps being the main currency. the main event that I Think contributed the most to the caps currency was probably the "jet highway" that should run from new Reno to the East Coast.

    The combination of once again having a vigorous and youthful body and having no attachments he was fretting about made him feel quite optimistic about his present situation, even if he couldn't understand some parts of this world--like using bottlecaps as currency.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    Wish she had some electro-swing. it's the closest music I've heard that more recent but still sounds like something they would have in fallout.

    He barely had twenty songs he cycled through playing. She had a lot more than that in her head that she had already digitized and could transfer to holotapes, although only a handful was along the same theme of the music that was popular in Pre-War Fallout. She had some Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and similar, but it would be a bit hard to explain where KMFDM or Disturbed had come from, to say nothing of K-pop or dubstep.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira
  • mikale7frankle8
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    so why not remove the brain and then subject it to fev? .... actually, never mind. we don't need mind flayers in fallout. lol

    She felt that her attempts to save the first subject's life had prolonged the period of time the virus was continuing to change its brain, which got to the point where intracranial pressure was quickly becoming fatal.
    A cyborg in the Wasteland
    Derivados de juegos · SpiraSpira