Somewhere in the milky way galaxy, amidst the stars and wonders of the universe, there existed a parallel dimension. A small planet surrounded by water. Here, the supernatural ruled the natural, man and gods communicated, deities were born amongst men and demons lurked in the shadows.
Waiting…..drawing their life essence from the wickedness of man. Every greedy act, lustful intentions, envious deed, jealous heart, bloodlust, gluttonous behavior and the pure raw pain hidden in the hearts of men serves as their nourishment. Till finally they were powerful enough to take possession of the corrupted heart, pervert the soul and possess the being.
They wanted total control over the humans and reign over the deities.
Ultimate power. And they could, if the balance between good and bad was stolen and tipped off, then the hearts of men will become uncharacteristically corrupt. To prevent such calamities, the deities divided the people into two. The people of the sun and the people of the moon, they couldn’t coexist during normal times except during the divine eclipse where they would gather to celebrate. They also put people amongst the two kingdoms who could relay their messages to the people. Everything went fine till betrayal occurred among the gods themselves…..
To prevent total chaos the deities sent their children, the sun goddess Kyrr sent her daughter and the moon god Seba sent his son. All in hopes to maintain the harmony of the humans, while they took care of the problem amongst them.
This is the story of Miranda.
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