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Amber Sinclair

She carefully observed her surroundings and snuck past the hallway, hiding in a locker's shadow just in time to remain undiscovered. Once her pursuer left the hallway, she slowly stepped out from her hiding place and cautiously made her way to her destination. She checked her surroundings once again before finally dashing out of the entrance at top speed. As soon as she made it out, she took a left turn and hid before she could be spotted. She crouched there, breathing out in short gasps as she slowly peeked around the corner to see if her pursuer was closeby. Not seeing the presence of a single being, she let out a sigh of relief. She turned her back to the building trying to get as far from it as she could. She finally felt some hope when the gate was in sight. Almost there. Once she crossed that gate, they wouldn't be able to catch her. She was just a few more steps from it when her heart suddenly chilled. She turned around and a tall shadow loomed above her. "Are you trying to escape?" The shadow asked. The setting sun's rays fell upon her and she squinted her eyes, unable to see the shadow's face. However, she had no need to (see). The voice made chills run down her spine. She could recognize it anywhere... ........... Most novels begin with a normal MC living a normal life when everything takes a turn and all hell breaks loose... Before things all began, Amber was... mostly normal. Her life was... it barely made it into the quota, but it was still normal. How did it all begin? Just a phone call. Yes, ONE phone call. Who called? Just an acquaintance... Then why are we sharing her story, you ask? Because her life changed. No, no, it didn't take a turn. It just veered off the path it was going on. And I'm here to share with you the story of Amber Sinclair. P.S: This is NOT a horror story. NO NEED to proceed at your own risk. XXX The cover page is NOT my own. It was taken from the internet and the source names 'Kushinov Ilya' as the rightful owner of the art. If there is an issue with my usage of the image, please let me know and I will remove it. I just felt like the woman in the art was extremely similar to my idea of Amber XXX

Poisoned_Candies · Urban
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5 Chs

This World is the Most Suitable For Me!

In a world where the military holds the highest prestige, and any individual part of it automatically earns the most respect, even wee little children pursue the armed forces. As a result, Military Academies rose to the top, nurturing the little seedlings into tall trees that can hold their own against foreign winds. These Academies start training children from under the age of eighteen to create the mightiest forces of their empires. In one such Academies meet a pair of children, the future war heroes of the nation. Grabbing as much of fate as they can in their little hands, they strive to fight for their kingdom that would be on the brink of annexation. But that is far into the future. Right now, they are still children that toil to learn from each other as much as possible to come out on top. They're a pair of rivals. And I'm here to share with you the story of these youngsters. Excerpt: Resting her hand on an arrow, she pulls at it. Seeing that it doesn't move, she places her left hand on her right and pulls with both hands. But the arrow refuses to budge an inch. The girl sighs and then looks around to see if anyone was looking. Her hands slowly glow a blue shade as the air surrounding her hands lights up. She then pulls at the arrow, and it slides out like a hot knife through butter. After pulling out all three of them, she glances around once again and waves her hand to put out the blue glow. She walks away after making sure once again that no one was looking. Straightening her back and acting as nothing happened, she leaves behind a tree with three holes that dug straight into its center. //// The cover is not my property. It is taken from the internet.////

Poisoned_Candies · Fantasy
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5 Chs