King of Nothingness
The story begins when Harridan a Claymore wielding swordsman gets his child Yuserin, a Blood acquiescence. He didn't know it would make a Fallen god of Nothingness get his first devotee in aeons.
His power is simply Nothing. No one knows about such a god. There is not even a single book with a single word about this god except that He was the oldest and the Progenitor of all gods including the Holy Trinity who are collectively called as Esah.
Yes, nothing. Everyone who got a Blood acquiescence got somesort of power but Yuserin got nothing for a blessing.
Quickly Harridan realises that Nothingness in itself is quite a mysterious and potentially the most powerful blessing of all.
With his new found wierd power Yuserin will be able to turn anything into nothing.
First his time to grow into a youth becomes from 20 years to nothing.
Nothing escapes this power.
The amount of effort taken to lift a mountain sized boulder. Nothing.
The power of a foe he is facing. Also Nothing.
This is the greatest cheat that cam be offered.
Hit that plus button to get this baby to your library.
Hit it now baby!
Oomeshi · Fantasía
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