Gosto de Harry Potter minha heroína favorita é luna lovegood,e gosto de fanfics em si que situam em mundos que eu possa pesquisar a aparência dos personagens é mais por preguiça
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relax broh, i have a plan
i'am back baby
my head is bad, I have a lot of bad thoughts, I'm having psychological support, before writing the book I was practically in a vegetative state, doing nothing looking at the ceiling aimlessly or something else, this feeling of emptiness returned, so I gave a pause in writing, but I don't intend to abandon it, so I ask you to keep the book in the library because, as soon as my condition shows signs of improvement, I will return.
Time luna fight
no, andromeda is from the black family, she married a Muggle-born or half-blood, I don't remember correctly, and had the nymphadora as a daughter, then yes, your statement would be correct if she were the nymphadora
This is really interesting and in fact, MC's age is giving me headaches
I had this idea, as I'm studying to join the police in my country, I wanted to include some of these aspects, one of these series would be Blookyng Nine Nine
I wanted to add more of the current technology, but for that I would need internet, and the first satellite launched was in 2001 if my memory serves me correctly, so for this project, it would take a long time, even though the presence of MC shortened this period