Babe, You'll Be Mine
Turning thirty is like a big sale at the meat market. You have to go on a discount before someone starts considering you.
And that's not the only problem Evonne Willard has to deal with, because right now her biological clock is ticking and she realizes that one morning she might wake up with white hair and a walking cane as her only companion.
So to soothe her problem, Evonne has resolved to have a baby.
Enter Ulysses Bloembergen, the man that possesses all the traits Evonne has ever wanted in a mate: tall, hot, smart, and an overall gentleman--all the perfect genes for her baby. All she has to do now is ask him nicely to donate a little sperm so she can conceive.
But damn Logan Bloembergen-- Ulysses's smart-mouth, no-good cousin with the title of number one Casanova in Malaysia--has to come stirring up trouble.
And now, under the influence of hormonal imbalances, Evonne finds her craving for a baby might not be enough, for she is beginning to crave the love of one of these men.
When the door opened, a naked torso faced Evonne. Not just any old torso, but a hot, muscled, six-pack naked torso. She blinked and blinked, and then she blinked some more.
She couldn't understand why a grown man would be wearing a towel, just a single white, fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, to answer the door.
He was leaning against the doorframe, one hand supporting his tall, lean, muscular body that, Evonne noted, any female would want in her bed, including her.
Not that she'd bedded any male, of course, since she was still a bloody virgin, for Lord's sake.
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