My opinions suck
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This novel is great. I enjoy, very good. In fact, I really didn’t have any problems with this book until someone else mentioned something here in the reviews. That, despite this book being titled Sword God and God forcing Shang to develop down a warrior like path, Shang relies HEAVILY on his special attribute. While the sword and his sword techniques are most definitely the backbone of his strength, a massive portion of his strength also comes from his attribute, which isn’t really warrior like at all. There’s technically nothing wrong with this, but it does feel a little disappointing. The author uses his attribute in creative and valid ways, and I struggle to see how Shang could stand up against the mages otherwise, so it was a valid decision.
This novel is amazing, but not without flaws. The authors creativity and skill in the construction of this world is truly great and unlike almost any other nover I’ve read before. The plot and premise are top notch, and when thinking about good examples of a novel this one often comes to mind. There is really only one or two glaring flaws in my eyes, and the major one is the scale, in my opinion. Every single fight, every dangerous situation, is even more dire and more dangerous and more fantastical and more hopeless and more utterly devastating than the last. Which is kind of a problem. This novel just keeps building up and up and up and up and up for such extended periods of time without rest. It’s hard to appreciate the Crimson Spire when we’ve been shown the hollow mountains, the coral labyrinth, the Black Sea, the seven statues, the soul tree, and such monuments. Every single thing is described as powerful, ominous, beyond comprehension, and terrifying. This achieves an amazing effect in the short term, but it really begins to dull the more the author uses it. The author brought in so many amazing ideas right at the start I struggle to see where he could expand in the future. I mean seriously sunny is just starting his adventure, HE ISNT EVEN AN AWAKENED YET, and so many nutjob wacky insane stuff has happened. What could possibly keep matching up and building forward next? This brings me to another flaw, the length. While I do enjoy this novel, the author has stated that he desires to reach approximately 3000 chapters in length. Holy, thats a lot of chapters. This is in itself, not a problem, but I can already begin to see where a lot of that may be unnecessary. The past 11 chapters I have read have covered frighteningly little. It was essentially the same scene described over and over again with minor changes and lots of perspective shifts and repeated descriptions. All in all, these are literally the only problems I have with this novel. Please read it and enjoy, and thank you author for writing this. Good luck working on it for a long time to come, I’ll be here for the whole ride.
I have a better description in my mind of Emery’s rise to power. Emery is like that one side character in every novel that has no right to be keeping up with the MC, so the author just keeps throwing bullshit after bullshit in order to ensure side character can stay at a similar level to mc
This novel is truly a dumpster fire, in multiple ways. It is a dumpster fire in the way which is that much of it makes zero sense, and in the way where its difficult to tear your eyes away from this catastrophe. I have read over 800 chapters of this novel, and this is my experience. SPOILERS AHEAD Mc deserves to have his own special education because my god his personality and character and the things that happen to him are all so dumb. MC’s personality often changes on whims and he deserves none of the women or power he gets. I am absolutely clueless as to why so many girls like him for absolutely no reason, and furthermore, his obsession to protect his world as a whole. MC’s main goal is to protect Earth and to remove its ownership from the hands of the Nephilim. Okay, that’ fine, but his actions are not concurrent with this. He really only protects those he cares about, and even makes several decisions to avoid interfering in easily solvable conflicts that would better the Earth for selfish reasons. HOWEVER, when it comes to anything revolving around love, it’s always “sorry, but I have to put the world and my training to protect the world first”. He tells girls that he can’t be with them because he has to help the world, but almost never helps the world. He constantly chooses to not interfere because it would be unfair or something?? Like Jesus Christ man figure out what you want. Mc seems to constantly chase power for a reason that he doesn’t even follow. Now let’s talk about some inconsistencies and some more about MC’s incredible stupidity despite being practically handed power left and right for no reason. The author seems to often forget about spells he gave to MC, like the water breathing spell. Author made a literal specific point about the MC talking about how he needs to get that spell several times, MC finally gets it because it was dirt cheap/free, and then not a few chapters later author forgets MC has this spell and just says lmao but it’s fine as emery can hold his breath for a couple hours now anyways. And Klea’s communication bird spell, Jesus Christ, this spell makes me hate emery so much. This is one of the most useful spells throughout this entire god damn novel that emery could use, and could have saved him so much trouble and loss of life it’s insane. He CONSTANTLY mentions how useful this spell is and how he wishes to have it, but makes ZERO effort to acquire it. It’s obviously a low tier and easily aqcuirable spell since Klea has been using it since the very beginning of the novel, yet Mc has yet to learn it. WHYYYY. It’s so dumb it’s ridiculous. Not to mention all the times MC deliberately leaves vulnerable people alone and goes “ah yes they will be fine, I must go train hundreds of miles away in the middle of the forest alone durrr”, only to show up with a pikachu surprised face when tons of people die every single time. Furthermore, MC does not deserve to be as strong as he is AT ALL. Author always likes to talk about these other privileged students who are just given everything to rise to power, BUT THAT IS LITERALLY THE MC. He is given basically everything for free, and I refuse to believe he has any scrap of talent in him. He is constantly given better training techniques, spells, resources, gene boosters, body improving chemicals, and a myriad of other things. This book is dumb
This is a (mostly) great novel. I’m only going to talk about the very few problems I have with it. ***SPOILERS AHEAD*** I really do not understand how strong Lith is. This novel has an outstandingly frustrating method of balancing his opponents. One moment, he is fighting against an extremely powerful ancient being, like the Odi, and the next moment he is struggling against ye old random skeleton/undead. Lith has three types of opponents, ones he crushes with a lift of the finger, ones who he cannot even raise a finger against, and ones he has to fight with every last breath, with every fibre of his being, and barely come out on top. There is no in between. It’s frustrating when the author gives reasons as to why Lith is strong, like being awakened, a great forgemaster, invigoration, and all of his techniques, and then suddenly undeadminion78 is going toe to toe with him. I don’t think just saying “but undeadminion78, while being unaware of how to become awakened, is aware of their existence, knows of their powers and is thus prepared. Plus undeadminion78 has the best armor money can buy in the kingdom, as well as this blade which can instantly turn/win a fight with but a mere scratch” why? Why does the author have to provide all of these excuses just to give Lith a reasonable opponent? Furthermore, the power of spells and enemies constantly fluctuate. Just in the singular arc of the plant kingdom where Erlik and his army were trying to take over the kingdom, in one singular fight, the power changes are ridiculous. Lith is fighting random henchman undead with everything he has, putting a literal tier five raging sun spell or whatever inside the enemies body, blowing them up with origin flames, using invigoration, all while at the risk of dying with one hit the entire fight. Meanwhile, phloria decimates Elrik’s strongest fighter in his army with a tier 3 and 2 spell. Literally a few chapters prior this dudes thrall was practically immune to magic and physical damage. Now, the further developed and more powerful version, loses to a tier 3 and 2 spell. What? While I’m at it, I’d like to talk about invigoration. This ability is OVERPOWERED. It’s INSANE how strong this ability is. it has been described to essentially regenerate your entire body (except for fatal injuries I guess) as well as all of your mana supply, IN ONE BREATH. The only catch is that it becomes less and less useful as it goes on without sleep. How has it become so absolutely useless then?!?? Author describes Lith absolutely burning out the entirety of invigoration in literal moments. Is his mana supply that of a fish or something? If a blue core fake mage can cast a minimum of two tier five spells, the how is Lith burning through like 20x the equivalent of mana in a few seconds and casting like 10 spells total, several of which are low tier. How are his spells not absolutely obliterating his enemies? How can literally ANY non awakened stand up to that? Furthermore, how can so many ”fake mages” do so much better than him? I understand talents like manohar, but I mean you have the perfect enemy, other awakened, and you just don’t use it right! Pretty much every awakened so far has either been miles out of Liths league, or just another chump. Also, specifically about undead, or other races in general, why do the drawbacks only ever occur when Lith thinks of them for himself, but never apply to them? Undead are supposedly supposed to struggle with the light element way more than others, yet some how these random ass undead are churning out dimensional spells (which require a fine balance of all of the elements) like it’s nothing? Even more so in the plant kingdom arc, Lith specifically states that like the entirety of the enemies undead army was capable of killing him in a few hits, and that that was the first time for him experiencing that. W h a t? You’re telling me these random undead are stronger than the odi flesh golems? If Lith is so goddamn vulnerable in these fights, then why is he so instrumental to the war??? He should just be another soldier. Kalla is literally creating tons of undead that were capable of holding off this army. I really just hope the author decides where Lith stands in terms of power. Is he a mega rare super powerful famous talent, or is he just another fish in the ocean. It’s just so frustrating to see him win these fights against monstrous powerful beings and then struggle so hard against random mobs. Now let’s talk about my other problems, which is the villains. Some of them are great and well established, but the others…. Are not. Villains like Thrud Griffon are ones I really like, their backstory is pre established (we already knew of her father and his experiments way earlier in the novel), and her reasons for evil are fine. Then there is cases like Elrik. What do we know about Elrik? We get to hear all about his shenanigans and everything evil he has done, and then somewhere randomly in the middle of the fight we get a one paragraph statement which says that the reason he is doing all of this is because in order to protect his meadow from humans he turned himself into an undead, and then was shunned from the very people he protected. What can we infer that he wants from this then? We’d assume that he wants revenge against the people that betrayed him, and to be accepted by others. The author at first follows this stunningly, he begins to corrupt those in the plant kingdom, turning them into undead, and then he wants to take over the sapling in order to establish an undead kingdom, where he will be accepted and with more undead. However this is all just a cover up? Why? That makes way more sense than “ha ha, actually that was just a cover up, I just want power and to screw over literally EVERYONE else, even the people who helped me AFTER I was betrayed he he” And then there’s this absolute genius that is Legainns (I forgot how to spell his name) daughter. What is wrong with her? She tries to heal herself from being an eldritch because…? I don’t it remember what was ever actually said. It could’ve been the hunger or just to feel human again, or so that nothing she touched would rot again, but regardless, after that she still wasn’t satisfied because she couldn’t use invigoration or something. What does she do? Call her dad. He says I know what’s wrong, maybe I can cure you. But for me to cure you you have to rat out all of the other eldritches underneath big bad evil master so I can bargain for your freedom with the other guardians. What does the daughter say? No! They’re my real family, the only ones who reached out to me and helped me in my time of need, while you, my father, abandoned me. AUTHOR KUN, YOU SAID NOT TWO MINUTES AGO THAT HE WAS CONSTANTLY TRYING TO REACH OUT AND MAKE AMENDS WITH HER, NEVERMIND THE FACT THAT NOTHING SUGGESTS HER EVIL GROUP ACTS AT ALL LIKE A FAMILY. These are the only gripes I have with the novel. The rest is pretty great. Sorry for the rant.
Thank you :)
One of the best novels I’ve ever read, over 1k chapters in and im still always excited for the next. If you are debating on whether or not to read, just jump into it. The main character is always growing and learning more. Thank you for this book.
Sorry to necro, but the lava stuff is known as the leidenfrost effect, or its something like that. Basically the fact that they put some water (or lots of sweat i guess) on their hand beforehand can shield their body for very brief moments. human body is weird
Yeah but the problem is that he does have strength. Why does he hide it? As far as i can tell there is literally no reason. He was much stronger than others right in the beginning, but couldn’t improve. Even if he couldnt improve, why would he still hide his strength? The reason he claims for isolating himself is that he is too weak, but he isnt. That fundamentally makes no sense, unless there is some hidden reason that we dont know of yet.