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He's either asking for forgiveness or offering an apology. Him asking for an apology implies that someone has wronged him, when it's really the other way around.
I understand, all the drama for the plot, but, as a woman, the first question out of a doctor's mouth when you go for any kind of visit is always, "Is there a chance you could be pregnant?" Also, there's no doctor who would inform the family of the diagnosis before informing the patient alone, HIPAA and all that. But, again, gotta overlook logic for plot 🙈🙉🙊 Now, when is Lucian going to admit his feelings???
That's an excellent idea! Hope he realizes his feelings soon! I'm getting worried since the novel is almost over, so many loose ends to wrap up! 😅
Plot against people all you like, but don't you dare touch that dog.
Aww, poor Lucian. I'm happy for him though, he's catching feelings! ❤
Anyone tried to throw water on the witch yet? Maybe she'll melt!
You should never drive a car you can't afford to repair if something happens to it. For that matter, it really applies to all things in life. Live within your means, or above where possible. Don't be too greedy though, it'll bite you in the butt someday, money doesn't last forever.
*Ely* alert. I don't think it would be too much for them to have English names. Many people that moved to the U.S. pick a new name, bc frankly, as Americans, we're not good at accepting differences unfortunately.