Hail King Arthur (Hail the king Fan fic)
A Boy was transferred from his world to another by none other than his adoptive prankster Grandfather Zelretch but with a gift.
Watch how he takes the Azeroth continent by storm and become the greatest king!
"Damnit Grandpa you can't just dump in any world and expect me to save it"
"Iskandar got any idea how we should attack the Leon Empire"
"Calm down Jalter! we will destroy the Church in due time, Yes! yes we burn them on the stake"
"Solomon! get back on that seat you Lazy Ass"
"Hmmmmmm.....a coliseum will be good for entertainment but NO Slaves Nero"
"Angela, Jeanne why is everything so hard, please comfort me!"
I'm just writing this for fun right now perhaps after my other story is done or not in the future I will make this an official work as well.
Updates will be Irregular.
Check out my Fate story, Fate/King of Swords
OrionClay18062000 · Libros y Literatura
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