


I love reading, writing, and adventuring into the outdoors. Im obsessed Japanese culture, and have always wanted to learn Kenjutsu

2018-11-08 Se unióUnited States

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  • OtakuModeEngage
    respondió a JosieGan

    fair enough. I'm glad to see another MFF scene is coming up, though. Thanks for that.

    Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System
    Oriental · JosieGan
  • OtakuModeEngage
    respondió a JosieGan

    i haven't read the chapter you just shared just yet, although I'm pretty close. He didn't say he was disgusted, I just got that impression when he gave Tao Ruirui to Zhang Bing instead of claiming her for himself. That and the general lack of it in the last 100~ chapters. Anyways, I feel like most people who read past the beginning of the book, wherein it was a lot more prominent, chose to keep reading, either because they like it, or it at least doesn't bother them it to the point where it's a deal breaker for them. In so much as, you don't have to write it to be liked by your audience, people who like it, will naturally become your audience. For me personally, two beautiful ladies going at it is supreme "eye candy," and knowing those ladies are yours, and are making love with each other, at least partially for your enjoyment, is one of the proudest sexual achievements a man can have. The chapter with bi-girl action are definitely your hottest sex scenes, in my opinion, so I was disappointed when they appeared less frequently.

    Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System
    Oriental · JosieGan
  • OtakuModeEngage
    respondió a JosieGan

    I'm actually disappointed in the more recent chapters that the Yuri action during threesomes and orgies has disappeared. Did you cave in to the pressure? If the MC didn't feel cucked by or insecure from the girl-on-girl play before and previously enjoyed the Yuri show his ladies put on for him, why would it disgust him now?

    Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System
    Oriental · JosieGan
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    It's really hard to take the MC seriously when he turns girls down with BS excuses such as, "She's attractive, but I'm not attracted to her," or "I'm not in love with her." The first is an obvious contradiction, and the second just isn't believable when he already has 50+ women. Are we really to believe he loves them all equally; in the same way, at the same level? Clearly not. So if he can love 50+ women, why not 70+, or 120+? At this point, the author has already made the harem so big that their number, romance with the MC, unique personalities and traits, character development, plot involvement, and screen time are completely irrelevant. It's no longer about building deep, intiment, and meaningful connections; it's about catching Pokémon. And if you're gonna catch Pokémon, why wouldn't you catch 'em all? Now every time he refuses a woman's advances, he comes off as extremely insincere, like bro, you don't love her? Since when did that matter?

    Primordial 'Dual Cultivator' Dragon With System
    Oriental · JosieGan
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Comentado por

    I don't like abilities like this. it's too broken. makes all his other combat abilities useless and combat pointless.

    Ch 919 [Absolute Kinesis] 
    Supreme Harem God System
    Fantasía · SleepDeprivedSloth
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    Great Novel, but I dont think it quite captures the murderously obessive nature of Yandeers. A novel that does that far better is The Conquerors Path, but the conquerors path is weaker in terms of character and plot development, as the author tends to summarize events rather than explore them, especially in the beginning. In comparison, although I'd considered the ladies in the novel to be Yandeer-Light, the writing quality is far superior.Note to the author:I've never been into MonXSon *nc*st, but it's not a deal breaker for me as long as they are both mature consenting adults and the dad is a deadbeat sc*mb*g or dead. What I can't stand is character assassinating a previously good father, so the MC and readers don't have to feel guilty about the son betraying his father to steal his wife. That's f*ck*d up man, Leon deserves better than that, as you said multiple times, he was a good, hardworking, family man that sacraficed his own desires to put his family first. Such a man does not deserve to be cucked by his own son.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasía · Victor_Weismann
  • OtakuModeEngage
    respondió a OtakuModeEngage

    And with no limitations on his power and abilities, and no challenges that he has to struggle to overcome, the story loses any sense of risk and potential for loss, which takes away the excitement and tension from the story. Instead, it just becomes a checklist of easy, meaningless victories.

    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Ciudad · NoWoRRyMaN
  • OtakuModeEngage
    respondió a OtakuModeEngage

    Also, the MC's OP badassery doesn't feel satisfying because he didn't earn any of his power or abilities. There were no challenges, no obstacles, or difficulties, that he had to struggle to overcome, and thus, no development or growth. His abilities also have no structure for how he gains or improves them. There's no system by which he can advance, be it cultivation techniques, magic spells, or even a literal 'system'. Every ability just comes to him instantly; moment desires it. At most, he just has to reason out the logic behind said ability, and even that only takes a brief consideration. This just makes his abilities feel cheap and undeserved. So when you have epic moments, when he displays those abilities, it just doesn't feel rewarding or worth celebrating. Like whoopee-fucking-do, a God just crushed an aunt, soooo impressive. Not.

    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Ciudad · NoWoRRyMaN
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    Yo author, instead of using 'judging look' all the time, what about mixing in words like: 'measuring', 'critical', 'musing', 'contemplative', 'damning', and 'despising' instead of 'judging'; and 'glance', 'glare', 'glaze', 'stare', 'gape', 'peer', 'focus', 'observation,' 'examination', 'inspection', and 'view' instead of 'look'? Like common man, expand your vocabulary a little and mix it up, 'cause this singular pairing has gotten old.

    Esper Harem in the Apocalypse
    Ciudad · NoWoRRyMaN
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    I don't recommend any of this author's novels. Not because they are bad, but because he will drop it after a few months of dedicated writing, and then start a new one. After which, updates on the previous novel will drastically decrease, if not stop. He doesn't know how to have a balanced release cadence between multiple novels, but attempts to write multiple novels at the same time anyways.

    Magic System in a Parallel World
    Fantasía · MyLittleBrother
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    I don't recommend any of this author's novels. Not because they are bad, but because he will drop it after a few months of dedicated writing, and then start a new one. After which, updates on the previous novel will drastically decrease, if not stop. He doesn't know how to have a balanced release cadence between multiple novels, but attempts to write multiple novels at the same time anyways.

    Dual Cultivation
    Oriental · MyLittleBrother
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    I don't recommend any of this author's novels. Not because they are bad, but because he will drop it after a few months of dedicated writing, and then start a new one. After which, updates on the previous novel will drastically decrease, if not stop. He doesn't know how to have a balanced release cadence between multiple novels, but attempts to write multiple novels at the same time anyways.

    Cultivation Online
    Juegos · MyLittleBrother
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    This was a Great novel. Truly, I could go on endlessly about why I loved it. So let's skip that, instead, I'd rather focus on my sole dissatisfaction. The army of women the protagonist married, or more precisely, the lack of romance preceeding many of these marriages. When the rule that he could only have 10 wives was first introduced near the begining of the story, I really liked it. I thought, unlike most harem novels, in this one, all his relationships would be well developed and meaningful. Later when you broke the rule, I was okay with it, because the ladies he broke it for, earned it. But as you continued to pile on more and more towards the end, that quickly stopped being the case. Many of the wives he married, never really got enough time to develope as characters, much less develope meaningful romantic bonds with the male lead. It felt forced in some cases, and rushed in most. You did write a short sentence for each of them, explaining how their relationships developed off page, but I think that was a mistake. One of the core rules of writing is show it, don't say it. I hope this is something you can improve upon in your next novel!

    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Fantasía · Elyon
  • OtakuModeEngage
    respondió a OtakuModeEngage

    although I guess ultimately it didn't matter, as things deviated anyways

    Ch 443 Trouble Starting Earlier Than It Should?
    Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System
    Fantasía · invayne
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Comentado por

    Wait, what? I thought the whole point of starting over WAS to make the path deviate, so the same thing doesn't happen all over again. So saying she can't talk to Sophie because that would make the path deviate makes zero sense.

    Ch 443 Trouble Starting Earlier Than It Should?
    Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System
    Fantasía · invayne
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Comentado por

    I don't understand why she introduced herself to Adel and gave her a system stone early, but is just gonna leave things to chance with Sophie.

    Ch 441 Talking With The King Part 2
    Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System
    Fantasía · invayne
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Comentado por

    it's a pity Grace's personality and feelings were overwritten when she was brainwashed by the bloodline suppression.

    "They have all worked hard, and more people even signed up to become part of the military as of late. The people of our empire really look up to you, our Empress, who has sacrificed so much to try to keep our empire safe." Grace replied. Her eyes were turning red as she looked down at the battle below with so much blood. 
    Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System
    Fantasía · invayne
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Comentado por

    I'm not sure what this solved, they just moved it from one undead to another. End result? The same amount of undead are infected, nothing has changed.

    Ch 403 Exchanging Hosts
    Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System
    Fantasía · invayne
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    starts off slow with the character weak and very very naive/ignorant/immature, he gains strength pretty quickly, but it takes a while for his maturity to catch up, but keep reading, because he does get there. this is a harem novel, so you can expect him to have many wives, however after 1000 chapters he only has two lovers, as the author takes his time to develop the girls and their relationships. that said, if this is anything like his other novel, Duel Cultivation, the MC will have at least a dozen wives by the end of it.

    Cultivation Online
    Juegos · MyLittleBrother
  • OtakuModeEngage
    Publicado por

    A great story if you love having a harem and having lots of sex with them, although some of the girls come off as a little one dimensional, and there is not a lot of character development for them. Unfortunately the updates seems to have slowed since the author started other projects.

    Dual Cultivation
    Oriental · MyLittleBrother