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iIthink he won't Mark her right now.. he will do as planned tomorrow and then dragons will intervene.. if she is marked by this demon then iIwill stop reading this
Arlan has 2 souls. . even divine weapon kill soul it should be of dragon . . arlan soul should be saved with ori sharing part of soul like evanthe saved her husband who is human I hope male lead will be saved
i think blood curse on ori is just to make evil witch confident . . this might be plan of ori and yorian. . confused who lift blood curse from king . . the help from whom prince took help or is it zaria who did for Ori without asking anything from her but from prince divine blood. .
it's good twist if arlan agree ori to leave after this
one chapter is released in 2 days . . this is too frustrating . .authors other 3 novels also not released any chapters from long time
what would be deal . . Arlan might have done already one deal now ori is doing another deal. .
I hope this full moon episode comes soon so a secret will be revealed
i feel Oriana is playing along with her to understand her motive. ..
I guess it's seren's brother .. he is biological brother so he may have some powers which he may not aware
Morph already stopped her .. not Draven this time...